Background : The Infant Mortality Ratio and Mother mortality Ratio has been high in our country. It is higher than some poor countries of the world. India is now ranking 5th in the scientific development in the world with world class medical facilities. But, still pregnant women and new born babies are suffering.
Reasons :
1. After the traditional systems have gone, most of the people don't know about pregnancy care, except depending upon the doctors.
2. Preparing for the pregnancy has been developed as separate study in the west. In Indian context, it is a much neglected subject.
3. Pregnant women is treated as Goddess Laxmi. But, nutritional feeding of her is neglected due to various reasons including ignorance and poverty.
4. Medical facilities are still not available are inadequately available to poor people and in Rural areas.
5. Still many people feel the tension during the pregnancy, with which risk of delivery increases.
6. Folic acid rich foods and Iron rich foods are not provided and properly propagated for consumption.
7. Post pregnancy care is not available still in some towns.
8. The institutional deliveries are not still 100%, causing a lot of problems.
9. Physical activity is being neglected by the pregnant women. It causes problems during the delivery.
10. High risk cases shall be assessed early and proper care shall be given to avoid problems in delivery.
Reasons :
1. After the traditional systems have gone, most of the people don't know about pregnancy care, except depending upon the doctors.
2. Preparing for the pregnancy has been developed as separate study in the west. In Indian context, it is a much neglected subject.
3. Pregnant women is treated as Goddess Laxmi. But, nutritional feeding of her is neglected due to various reasons including ignorance and poverty.
4. Medical facilities are still not available are inadequately available to poor people and in Rural areas.
5. Still many people feel the tension during the pregnancy, with which risk of delivery increases.
6. Folic acid rich foods and Iron rich foods are not provided and properly propagated for consumption.
7. Post pregnancy care is not available still in some towns.
8. The institutional deliveries are not still 100%, causing a lot of problems.
9. Physical activity is being neglected by the pregnant women. It causes problems during the delivery.
10. High risk cases shall be assessed early and proper care shall be given to avoid problems in delivery.