During the 11th Metropolis World Congress Sri.APJ Abdul Kalam was one of the speakers on 07.10.2014.It held from 06.10.2014 in Hyderabad International Convention Centre. I got the opportunity to participate in the same .In that I got an opportunity to ask SRI.APJ Abdul Kalam, Ex - president and scientist a question after a session on his session.
My question was as follows :
Your good self was speaking about the carbon neutrality . But the capital cost of solar energy is high.
What can we do to reduce the cost of solar energy to bring it the offordable level of poor?
His answer was as follows :
There are 200 million houses in the country.If we install the solar power in 70% houses, it comes to installing in 140 million systems.the prices will come down.
Later ,I thought indepth.it is quite right.i have also same opinion.When we consume more number, automatically the prices would be reduced on the lines of the cell phones. Earlier, a smart phone was more than 50,000 Rupees. But, same features are available @15,000 Rupees.It is due to more number of players entering into the market and R&D facilities due to more consumption. It created the fortune cycle.Similar fortune cycle has to be created for solar energy.Earlier, I did some of the activities at khammam and suryapet as follows :
1.Arranged solar lanterns and solar inverters to willing the municipal employees on monthly installment basis.
2.Facilitated other departments employees for such method.
3.Arranged the Bank linkage for the employees, duly convincing the bankers.
4.Convinced the Andromeda solar company to use the LED lights in solar lanterns instead of CFLs.In future it was a reason for cost cutting.
5.Arranged solar lanterns to poor people on subsidy.
6.Paid the required amount for making the office of khammam municipal corporation a solar office and parks to illuminate with solar lights.
7.Got the sanction of LED and other energy efficient lighting worth 100 lakhs, which indirectly cuts the cost cutting of solar.
8.Got arranged the Solar LED standby lights to the Advertisement boards in important junctions.
The following activities has to be done for increased use of solar energy:
1.Persons offerd the cost has to install the solar systems first.
2 . Government should take interest in installing in all offices.
3.Soft loans must be available from Banks.Such loaning should be included in the SLBC(State Level Banker's Committee ) and DCC District Credit Committee)Action plans.
4.Rebate in property tax should be given by the Urban Local Bodies to the houses installed the solar energy.
5.Income tax exemption shall be given to the amount spent on Renewable energy and energy conservation.
6.Water heating and cooling through solar tubular process , which consumes more power should be installed on priority basis.In this process carbon emissions can be reduced by saving power , LPG and wood.
7.IEC activities shall be taken up in large scale to convince the people.
8.people should also gift solar system during the marriage and other functions.
9.There shall be specialisation in solar energy at Masters level in every university to have more number of solar specialists.
Technology required:
1.The low cost and high efficiency solar panels are required.
2 . Alternative low cost solar heating, cooling and cooking systems should be in place.Industrial solutions should be made available at the district level.
3 . Efficient lights such as LEDs with high luminous and low cost should be made available.
4.The High quality batteries, with more storage and less size should be available at low cost, so as to have inverters at low cost.
Nice proposals