Sunday, 2 October 2011

Decentralized Composting

Aim: To Vermi compost the wet waste generating in the institutions, where the leaf waste and food waste is generating in the town in decentralized manner instead of Compost Yard.

Background: Only market waste, slaughter house is the source of wet waste. Much of the wet waste of the institutions and houses are not collected and segregated. This leads to not processing of waste.

Activity: The institutions shall be motivated to take up the Vermi composting at the source, where the wastage is generated. The earth worms should be supplied by the municipality at free of cost by reproducing in the existing compost yard. Where there is availability of open space and wet waste production is more, there municipality can concentrate on the decentralized Composting. Otherwise, the wet waste can be transferred in to the near by available open spaces. It is a viable option in the peripheral areas. The institutions to be concentrated are colleges, function halls, parks, peripheral areas, etc.

• The quantity of the Vermi Compost use to increase.
• Wet waste is utilized properly by processing it at source. It decreases the pollution and leads to the mitigation of climate Change.
• The vehicles need not carry the huge wet waste and need not stop at that point to collect. It saves valuable fuel and time of the municipality. It enables to serve better in other places and cost of services also reduces. Saving the fuel also leads to mitigation of Climate Change.
• The quality of waste collected use to increase, as segregation is done by default.
• Owners of the institution can utilize the compost generated for their own plants and trees.


More the energy we use, more we are contributing for the carbon dioxide emission. There by we are contributing for Global Warming. Indian Coal Consists Considerable amount of sulpher. Excessive use of coal in thermal power stations results in acid rains and other environmental damages, ultimately leading to Global Warming and Climate change.

Municipalities have the capability of saving a lot of energy even up to 40%. The saving initiatives are as follows.


Generally more than 30 minutes are wasted before sunset and after sunrise while switching on and off respectively. Instead of 11 hours rights are on for 12 hours. That means 9% of energy is being wasted without utilization. In case of some municipalities, it is much more than calculation.

Timers is the best way to avoid such type of problem. But, unfortunately the quality timers are not available in the market and energy tracking system costs more than saving. The onlyh alternative available is to deploy one person per 10 switches.


It is natural habit of the public representatives to use higher luminescence of lights unnecessarily.

If not only drains the wealth of the municipalities on capital cost but also a constant drain on the energy costs. Such anomalies in the lighting should be discontinued.

SOL: As per the standardization chart supplied by BEE, Urban administrators should discontinue use of higher wattage luminaries. (See page for table as annexure).


400 250 37.5%
250 150 40%
150 70 53.33%
70 40 42.85%


Energy saving companies is assuring the saving of 45% of energy. They are using the energy tracking machines. It saves the energy in 3 ways.

It built timers switched off the lights following the sun synchronization. 10% saving is possible here.
Dimming the lights from 110 clock night, to its next level. Out of 11 hours 5 hours saving is possible in this way.
Voltage stabilization also saves a lot of energy. In the peak hours the voltage is less. But, in the off peak hours, the voltage goes up to 270 volts, instead of 220 volts. It consumes more energy. Energy tracker stabilizes the voltage and saves energy.


It saves about 4 watts for each tubes light. The Tube light fixture is available for almost same cost. Where as 28w electronic choked tube lights saves 50% of energy since 40w tube light consumes 52-watt energy. But the cost of the 28w electronic choke is about 350/-. The average life of choke is about 2 years. On cost benefit analysis. It saves about 578/- on energy saving (i.e less consumption).


Due to lack of main lines, in most of the Municipalities, we hear and watch the glowing of lights for 24 hours. It wastes a lot of precious energy.

Even in absence of main lines also urban administrators can provide DP mains (Individual Switches). Even if municipal staff do not worry of switching on / off, Atleast a benevolent person takes care about it.


During the rainy season, this problem occurs and staff could not trace out for 2 to 3 days. It wastes the energy many a time.

SOL: The loose electronic wires should be light up with the “fixers” available with electricity department. I did it during my tenure as Municipal Commissioner Nirmal, and such problems never occurred again. It also results in the improvement of confidence levels of municipality among the people.

Installation of MCBs:

1. Starting the switching off operation from central lighting saves a lot of energy. Staff should be trained in the technicalities to enable to save energy and for sustenance of reforms. Installation of MCBs instead of fuses would increase the speed of switching off of lights.

At the T – Junction Roads, higher wattage of lights are provided. But unfortunately the spread of light is less. During my tenure at Nirmal confirmed that 2 tube lights spread more light than 150 watt SV lamp.


20 Watt CFL is available at the cost of 125/- to 150/-. Urban administrators can replace it in place of tube light of 40 watt. My observation at Eluru Municipal Corporation is that it has saved about 45% of energy. The only limitation is that it is suitable for roads with width equal or less than 20’.

Presently LED’s of different wattage are available in the market. Only a few companies are working on street light LED’s. Presently, S.V lamps, etc can be replaced with LED’s of 60 watt. The initial cost of LED is more. But when it is compared with the traditional lighting, the advantages are more.


The space between the light poles is less than standards. In this case there is loss of valuable energy. The shorter distances can be adjusted through the angling and arrangement of lights on the poles. But when it is above the specified distances, we have to seriously think to change the poles. In case of central lighting, where distances are less, it is suggested to go for alternate lighting.



Due to depreciation, the average efficiency of motors generally it consume decrease after a period of 15 years. It consumes a lot of extra energy. Due to weak economic conditions, Municipalities would not be in apposition to purchase the new motors. New motors save a lot of energy. Adverse seasonal conditions funds or Non – plan grants provide opportunity for acquiring new motors.


Even where pumping possible through Gravity, there also municipalities use the pumping through electricity. Some Municipalities through small changes made it possible by gravity.

Another aspect is that establishment of High level Balancing Reservoirs would save a lot of energy in distribution, by avoiding the pumping. The frequency of leakages of also comes down with this.

On my frequent visits to pump house and filter bed, I use to watch over flow of water. On enquiry, I found that instead of using 5 H.P Pump they are using the 7.5 H.P pump and causing over flow. It not only wastes the water but also precious energy. Immediately I got the 5 H.P pump repaired and placed in position. It is possible in case of higher capacity motors.


On fixing of capacitors to motors P.F. value of system improves and it also saves the energy. Many municipalities in A.P. have profited by installing capacitors. Even state Govt. instructed to install capacitors for agriculture motor in all the districts.


Power bores are constant drain source of energy and revenue of municipality without any realization. In some municipalities power bores are necessary during scarcity period. But time should be maintained for these power bores instead of indiscriminate using. The other disadvantage is that it affects the water table a lot. Atleast 10% of municipalities can save huge amounts by controlled use of power bores.
Technology is available to automatic stopping of motor after filing of tank. It do not allow the water and energy to become waste.


There are installed as back up when electricity is not available. There are neglected and servicing do not takes place for it years together for different reasons. In such cases it consumes a lot of diesel.

1 Liter of diesel release 2.45 Kg of CO2 where as 1 unit of power releases 1 Kg of CO2. So, it is better to maintain the batteries bank, preferably solar batteries, for shorter duration of backup.

In other way we can arrange for the 24*7 electricity supply, through the breakers.It avoids unnecessary burden on the water supply.

Bio-eradication of Mosquitoes

I)Geographical Features of Suryapet:
The soil in and around the town is hard gravel soil. Elevation of the town varies from +169.00 meters to 184 meters above mean sea level. The natural slope of the town is from North to South. There are three tanks namely Pulla Reddy Tank, Chowdary Tank and Nallacheruvu Tank in the heart of the town. Musi left canal passes through the town from west to east irrigating fields in and around the town. The average ground water table is about 50’ below ground level.

II)Back Ground: In 2003-04 Suryapet Municipality was at the pinnacle in managing the Solid Waste. Present Municipal Commissioner Sri.B.Srinivas too was one among them to visit the town. Astonishingly, there were many mosquitoes even during the day time. He asked the then commissioner that if it is the situation in the Suryapet, what about the worstly managed cities? The answer was that there were 3 tanks around the city of Suryapet and all the sullage water is reaching the tanks and they are the breading centers of Mosquitoes.
6 valuable years have passed; the mantle of Commissioner has reached into his hands in November, 2009. The No. of mosquitoes are increased and Dengue cases were also increased alarmingly and reached to 100 cases in the town. Even a person was also died.
Now, it is the responsibility of mc to eradicate mosquitoes. We have to spray the chemicals, do fogging under the culverts, dewatering, etc. Finally, MUNICIPAL COMMISSIONER recollected that while he was working at his native district they use to access the Gambusia fish either at Kadam dam or SRSP dam and leave them in stagnant waters to eradicate mosquitoes at larva stage.
This, in a small scale 5000 Gambusia fish is left into stagnant waters and tank waters in the month of January. Due to all the integrated efforts and atmospheric changes, Dengue cases were reported zero in a day.
In 2010, there were heavy rains in the state and Suryapet town is not an exception for that. The works of conservation of lakes was under progress. There were a lot of water was stagnant on the other side of bunds of Chowdary (saddula) Cheruvu and pullareddy tank. The water is also stagnant in storm water drain. The boon in disguise was that the constructions of Bunds to both the tanks were completed and dirty water was not reaching into the tanks.

III)Objectives of activity:

1. Eradication of mosquitoes in a biological way
2. Protecting the environment by arresting poisonous gases, by preventing the coils, mosquito killing chemicals, etc.
3. Arresting of Mosquito related deceases and ensuring the health of Suryapet town people.
4. Increasing the man days among the people and reducing the poverty.
5. Valuable money of people should be saved when they are protected from diseases such as Malaria, J.E., Chicken Gunya, and Dengue.
IV) Activity:
A meeting of all the Sanitary Jawans was called. It was instructed to identify all the stagnant waters in their respective zones. The information is obtained through the Sri.D.Sreenu,Sanitary Inspector, in the month of June itself.
MC instructed Sri Venkateshwarlu, Health Assistant to collect at least 25,000 Gambusia fish to leave in the stagnant water of the town to control Mosquitoes. Surprisingly he collected one lakh Gambusia fish in Hyderabad with the help of fisheries department and staff left them into tank waters, stagnant waters on the other side of the bund, stagnant waters of storm water drainage ( length 1.2 km ) and all the stagnant waters of the town. Fisheries department has helped Suryapet ULB a lot.
In the month of December, the rainy season extended to that month and new stagnant waters has arrived. Slowly the mosquitoes were on increase. Again we requested the fisheries officers to catch the Gambusia existing in the town to leave it into new waters. About 2500 fish are caught and left into stagnant waters. For the effectiveness, the fogging under the culverts was continued.
Due to heavy rains in December mosquitoes were increased very much. To control propagation of mosquitoes, municipality released another 2 lakhs Gambusia fish during February month in to stagnant water of the town. Result of this, mosquitoes’ propagation is slowly decreased.

IV) Outcome of activity

1. In the initial days of survey after leaving of Gambusia fish, 40% people have accepted that Mosquitoes have decreased.
2. After 6 months of the initiative, one N.G.O. by name Vruksha Yagnam have intimated that 90 % of mosquitoes have decreased compared to last year, in their locality near Chaudari tank.
3. The Dengue cases were reported only 15 during the present year compared to last year cases of more than 100. Thus saved the valuable lives and money of people.
4. The sales of mosquito coils, smoke balls ( oodu in telugu ) has been considerably decreased, as is reported by a shop owner. Thus it has decreased the pollution. It is also evident from the decrement of sales of Mosquito bats compared to last year.
5. If this initiated would not have taken, there would have been more mosquitoes, due to heavy rainfall and extended rainfall.

V)Personal Experience

While sitting on the front open space of my quarter provided by office, I use to kill at least 50 Mosquitoes with electric mosquito bat.
Soon after the initiative, I could not see even 2 to 3 mosquitoes at same place. I experienced in the same way in office building also.
In some places mosquitoes were prevailing as the breading centers were different Three advantages of fish:
Gambusia is a very small fish and it do not grow larger and heavier. It moves in the Corners of the water bodies, where Mosquitoes usually live. It is a fresh water fish but live in dirty water without inconvenience. It takes the larva of mosquitoes as food, this do not allow mosquitoes to bread. It saves valuable resources, as the cost of catching takes only a few amount.

VI)Lesson I learnt

1. Some people even caught this tiny fish and caused decrement, there by allowed increment of mosquitoes at later stage. I would have arranged boards not allowing the fishing on the other side of the tanks.
2. Staff members, who did not recognize the importance have failed to integrate other approaches and allowed mosquitoes to bread to certain extent.
3. Leaving of Gambusia is a continuous process to control the mosquitoes.

VII)Scope for integrated biological activity

In addition to the leaving of Gambusia fish, there are other two activities are as follows:
a) The lemon grass smell does not allow the mosquitoes to move near those places. It is told by some persons that Paris is a mosquito free city, as it is with presence of large lemon grass gardens. Even in our places, where there is scope for breading of mosquitoes we can take-up lemon grass gardens.
b) It is told by old persons of our village is that a fly (Thuniga in telugu, Thummiska in Nalgonda Dist., and Booga in Adilabad Dist.) can eat away the mosquitoes. My experience at Comport Yard of Suryapet reveals that there was huge garbage and stagnant water present at same place. But there were not even single mosquito because the flies are present. At one point of time, the flies were absent and I could not stay in compost yard because of mosquito menace. The requirement for presence of flies is Greenery.
c) Frogs also eat away the larva of mosquitoes and helps the human kind but unfortunately the vehicular movement kills the frogs. It is told by Senior citizens that only after intensive hunting of frogs, the Mosquito born diseases have increased in our country.

VIII) Relation of Mosquitoes to climate change:

1) In presence of mosquitoes we use coils , smoke ,repellents, which causes large scale pollution.
2) Even we close doors by not allowing fresh cool air increases the consumption of electricity and causes pollution.
3) The mosquito born diseases increases the production of medicines and accelerates the journey there by causing pollution.
4) Most of people even in the winter turn on fans to avoid the mosquito biting this increases energy consumption also increase the pollution and global warming.
All the above activities increase the pollution there by increasing the global warming and climate change.

IX) Requirement of help of people

During the summer, mosquitoes are less and live in cool places. At this time it is easy to kill them with electric bat. People has to follow this and shall not store the water with passion. They also shall not through the garbage in the drains and open spaces, which allow the breading of Mosquitoes. All the water tanks and septic tanks shall be thoroughly closed. They shall not also allow water to stagnate.
for more operational details visit

Posted by Suryapet Municipality at 08:10 1 commen


To assess the advantages of traditional habits we have to evaluate a lot of habits of Indians. This requires the historical perspective.

Let us start with the Indus Valley Civilization (IVC), India’s first and foremost Urbanized Civilization. It was also one of the early Civilizations of the World.

They had constructed the houses leaving the courtyard in the centre of house. It allows freely air, water (rain), sunrays (fire), earth, and sky in to the house. A traditional Indian can recognize that people of Indus Valley Civilization had allowed the pancha mahabhutas into their house. The human body is believed that it is made of pancha mahabhutas. Even, if we do not consider, they allowed the fresh air, which do not allow any ailments related to lungs. By allowing the water, they can store it in the vessels. It also percolates in to the earth and existing well in the courtyard. They also allowed the sunrays into the house with which some vectors and microbes do not enter into the house. It reduces the incidence of deceases early. Sunrays also prepare vitamin D in our body, which make our bones stronger. It also keeps off from the depression. The touch with the earth makes the man cool, reducing the body heat the visibility of sky do not make man myopic and reduce the depression.

In contrast to the traditional system, now we are constructing a packed house, which do not allow sufficient airflow into the house. It allows switching on the fans continuously.

Surroundings of the houses are floored with stones, which do not allow the water to percolate and on the name of civilization, we do not store the rainwater in vessels. Bore wells are replaced the wells. They are tools of continuous sucking of water with out recharging.

Every one must conserve the resources. I already made it clear that stress on resources always cause global warming.

Even sunlight is not allowed to enter into houses by constructing the houses in the made of westerners. It forces the human beings to consume to keep themselves hot.

People in some town do not get opportunity to watch the sky for days together and ultimately results to eyesight.

Hence, the design of the house is very much vital for avoiding the Global Warming, ill health and energy conservation.

The material now used in the construction of houses are also aggravating the problem of excessive use of energy, due to use of concrete, people are compelled to use Fans and AC’s for houses together in hot season and some people do not sleep without Fan and AC even during winter.

In the Indus Valley Civilization, people did not kept the door of windows and entrances open to the main roads. But in present days, people are habituated to keep their door to main road, which allow the dust to enter into the house.

Indus Valley people maintained under ground drainage system with manholes in regular intervals. But even in the much civilized (perhaps, we assume) societies, under ground drainage systems are not possible and maintenance in cities like Hyderabad is also a Herculean task. IN absence of under ground drainage system, mosquitoes easily grow
They established their towns in Grid System, in which roads are intersecting to make the town into rectangular blocks. The roads are also wide.

But even in present days, roads are hapazardous & narrow without following the layout. It easily interrupts the free flow of traffic and consumes more fuel, ultimately leading to pollution and Global Warming. For the environment concern, they had maintained the dustbins in every street. But unfortunately in present day we could not arrange dustbins, either, completely take up the house Garbage Collection.

In ancient period, even upto 30 years back in most of the towns, people maintained trees, pants, for various purposes in their backyard. They had got fresh air, flowers vegetables, and fruits for their consumption.

In present days, there is no space for backyard. A few people started thinking of greenery. We are consuming polluted air, which can cause breathing problems. We have to buy flowers, fruits and vegetables, which are preserved for 2 to 3 days. Again we preserve 2 to 3 days in the refrigerator, loosing all the freshness and nutrition. Thus, we are prone to more deceases.

Arrangement of house, well, plants and trees are in perfect position. All the consumed water t well (practically no consumption of water inside the house) use to go to the plants and trees of backyard garden. The excessive water after consumption of garden reaches a soak pit. It is usually dug into 6 feet and filled with sand and coal, So as to absorb the water. Hence there is no wastage of even a single drop of water. Even in the Indus Valley, Soak pits are found in many places.

In these days, whatever the water we use, it reaches the drains and pollutes a lot and reaches the rivers of rivulets of tanks and makes them polluted. Those are become breeding centers of mosquitoes and sources of foul smell. Some times questions arises in my mind, whether are we really developing the technology to cater our needs? or are we in clutches of resources stress? The development that we are taking up is not the for the development of resources. But it is for lacking the resources.

In olden days, the waste generated in the house used to be composted in the backyard. At that time there was no synthetic material which do not decompose. For every crop, the composted material has used. No body needs to throw waste on the streets. The composted material works as a organic manure for high yield.

In Olden days all kinds of fruits, vegetables were cultivated as per the season by preserving the seeds. They consume variety of food. More importantly there was choice of raw food. It ensures of freshness, nutrients, strength.

The opportunity of diversification of food and consumption of food according to seasons ensured them health. Their habit was not sit like a rock, but to work like a clock. What is the need of insulin or any other medicine? Their average life is less but their strength was more. Our average life is more but our strength is less. Our strength lies only in our minds. Other advantage of consuming raw food is that we do not waste the resources unnecessarily. It means reducing the Global Warming. I feel that it the duty of every person to consume Atleast 25% of raw food on daily basis. It Atleast reduce 10% of green house gas emission. It is because (1) energy is saved (2) he has to rear Atleast some plants for consumption (3) in a long run, he consumes less amount of food and his digestive and excretory system improves (4) His health also improves, consequently (5) seeds while becoming sprouts consume carbon dioxide (6) wastage of uncooked food does not arise (7) there is no need of using the refrigerators for preservation.

There are so many advantages for the raw food consumption. After reading above points, definitely some people switch to raw food for certain days. But continuity is the most important aspect.

Except on festivals and when relatives arrive, then only people preferred cooking of non-vegetarian food. Generally it is said that to assimilate in body. Vegetarian food takes 24 hours and Non-vegetarian food takes 96 hours. In our Global warming aspect, Non-Vegetarian creates more amount of pollution. These days consumption of Non-Vegetarian. Have increased a lot. They are grown in special forms. On one hand there is increment in large scale in animals, which consume Oxygen and leaves the CO2. On the other hand for constructing cattle farms & poultry sheds, the precious trees are destroyed and reducing the land for cultivation. It again put stress on Oxygen generation.

In olden days, the cooked food consist less amount of oil. They use to cook soups and graves to serve the whole joint family. Fresh foods are cooked in short time consuming less energy.

But in present days, fried curries are preferred in food. But these are increasing the incidence of cancer cases. The oil in the curries is buoyant. This has been reason for obese adolescent children. In similarity with Non-vegetarian, oily food also consumes a lot of time to assimilate into body. It also accumulates in body as fat, increasing the food.

Human beings are lacking work in present days. It is resulting in obesity. It is pertinent to mention that Hyderabad had become capital of diabetes.

The other facet of life is habit of awakening and sleeping. In ancient days, people use to wake up before the sunrise and used to carryout their daily routine. They ate food in timely manner, since they do not have complex duties to perform or to travel long distances to meet somebody or to earn. After working hard, they used to return to home, just before the sunset. Very soon they preferred to take their supper and spend some time with family members. People preferred to sleep between 8o clock to 9 o’clock. Even some people retire before 8’clock.

But in present days, nobody sleeps early and rises early. Most of the people do not take time on food. Even some people do not get time even to eat food. The mental stress is making men feeble to vulnerable to deceases.

After wide spreading of Idiot Box (TV), most of the people are not sleeping before 11’clock. Women are habituated to watch serials continuously. It is consuming a lot of energy unnecessarily. In some states we hear of closure of Industries due to paucity of electricity and huge number of people are becoming unemployees and under employees. Watching TV also made them isolated. This reduces the thickness in relations. In case of any problems, people are resorting to suicides.

Due to the vide spread of material culture, all the materials are available for payment of money. It is decreasing the dependency on one other. It is forcing people more to isolation causing a lot of stress.

In Olden days the grain used to be pounding that removes only husk of the rice. But these days every one is resorting to milling, which removes the upper red layer decreasing the important nutrients. The concept of Para boiled rice has been increasing. All these activities are making under nutritious. Even if we consume more, we lack nutrition in above circumstances.

The habit of drinking also varied from Ancient time to modern times.

In ancient days people use to drink lemonade, buttermilk, ragi drink, milk, coconut water. These liquids gave a lot of nutrients and made them strong.

But unfortunately in modern days, a few people are consuming the above drinks. Instead of that people are consuming cool drinks, which do not contain any nutrition.

Kindly watch the following comparison in present days.

1. Provide nutrition & energy to body 1. No nutrition
2. Improves tree plantation activity and transportation is minimized, there by reduce Global Warming. 2. Drain the Ground Water and causes Global Warming.
3. Chemicals are absent 3. Contain pesticide residues and dangerous chemicals
4. Improve digestive system 4. Reduce digestion
5. Maintain water balance in body and rehydrates 5. No rehydration.
6. Save humans from hydration conditions 6. Do not save from hydrating conditions
7. Provide employment to a lot of people and remove disparities 7. Provide employment to a few people and escalate the disparities.
8. Use of refrigerator is not necessary and can serve fresh 8. Use of refrigerator is necessary to keep cool and it causes cold after drinking.
9. Micro nutrients are available 9. No micro nutrients are available
10. Not harmful to dental system 10. Deplete the Enamel Layer of teeth
11. Contain the fiber and helps the excretory system 11. Fiber is absent
12. Works like ayurvedic medicine and prevent some deceases unknowingly 12. No such quality

India was such in population (Human Resources) and Investment as well in ancient period upto the free trade policy introduced by British in India.

In ancient days, people do not consume more than required. They economized their living. They use to give huge donations to temples, Buddhist monasteries schools and poor people. Even in some periods money was available @ 8% to 12% per annum interest. India was torchbearer in civilization for entire Asia and some parts of Africa. Indians settled in many parts of the world, but they never disturbed the local traditions, culture, etc.

Similarly, for the economic benefits, our Indian never destructed the environment and ecology. We used our human resources effectively. Astonishingly, in present days, we are imitating the culture of west blindly. It is not objectionable to replicate the good things, but imitation of culture, which doesn’t suit to Indian conditions, is very much dangerous.

For instance, India is a hot country. Here wearing a loose cotton dress is healthy. But people wear suit. The suit not only suits environmental condition but it requires extra material for manufacture. We already know that extra use of any material induce Global Warming. We use cosmetics made in foreign countries such as soaps, powders, de-odorants, perfumes, etc. These cosmetics neither cater the needs of the people nor qualitative. Other fact is that some of the products consists dangerous gases that are harmful to environment. Some Soap produces more lather. It also pollutes the environment.

We are also wasting food by preferring to eat in hotels. We also spend for our own purpose. Only a few people among us give the donations by economizing our own life. People now are spending much on smoking, liquor, eating non-vegetarian etc. Houses are occupying much space in the plots without caring for open spaces and greenery.

In present days, we are dependent on machines. Even to travel a distance of 100 meters, we are habituated to use vehicle. To step into first and second floors, we are using the lifts by consuming a lot of energy unnecessarily. It is also creates the problem of accumulation of fat in body. Moreover accumulation of fat results to a cascading effect of habituating to use the machines and vehicles forever, till he become a patient. Thus a fat man contributes to the Global Warming. But a few fat people recognize the danger with their fats and work to tide over the problem.

India is a country with vast human resources. We have to effectively utilize the human resources and make it our strength. But we need sympathy & faith on the poor people. Then only utilization of HR is possible. Training also plays a vital role in development of Human Resources. Education must reach to every doorstep in the whole country.

Our vision must be to lead the whole world. Today so many foreigners are visiting India for various purposes.

In ancient days also, so many foreigners visited Indian lands and admired the climate, traditions, hosting, peaceful condition efficiency in trade and commerce, knowledge in science and technology.

Some kings have taken utmost interest in restoring the peaceful conditions for improvement of trade and commerce with foreign countries. But now, we hear of atrocities on foreign nationals. Are we progressing really? Are we keen on the development of our country? We must not forget the Vedic saying Athithi Devo Bhava (respecting the guest). The dissemination of knowledge of various regions are possible with the help of visiting foreigners. Trade and commerce prevail in our lands escalating the opportunities of employment.

India was a knowledge hub in ancient days. Indians were a lot confident about their knowledge, deeds etc. But the same confidence is lacking in us. For resources such as minerals, fuels, we are depending on the foreign countries.

In fact we have to develop self sufficiency in energy sector, which paves the way to success. The opportunity with us is renewable energy sources such as solar energy, energy from waste wind energy, ocean energy etc. This not only provides self-sufficiency but also avoids the dependency on the foreign countries. Valuable foreign exchange would be saving. More importantly above technologies are clean technologies and saves the environment and prevents the Global Warming.

Lack of work is causing diabetes, hypertension, and stress. Insomnia etc., above deceases leads to continuous use of tablets, which are made up of chemicals and a lot of resources are required for manufacture them. Some of the above deceases also make the human beings make them to depend on vehicles. Again it results to Global Warming. Hence economized consumption always prevents pollution and Global Warming.

Other Indian traditions worth mentioning are Water Therapy, Yoga and Fasting, which unknowingly improves the environment. The use of medicines made of chemicals is minimized by above.It means it is doing good to the environment.

Thus, it is clear that the traditional Indian habits are eco-friendly in nature and it conserves the nature. So, let us follow the traditional habits to conserve the nature.

Green living-Individual responsibility

To change others positively, we should change ourselves for effective imparting of change.
                                                                                    --Mahatma Gandhi.

The need of the hour is to stop polluting and start living in eco friendly manner. The climate change is evident in many forms such as torrential rains, frequent floods, extreme heat and cold, extended rains and summers, droughts, Tsunamis, earth quakes, etc, and many more.

            But the question is that whether the Governments have changed the policy to stimulate the eco friendly living? It can be answered from the life and policies of the Mahatma. It is easy to change the individual first before demanding the Organizations. If the individuals alter their mindset, they definitely vote the party, which takes up the eco-friendly activities. It is my small attempt to elucidate the Green living after following the same.

            On every day we start the day by waking up. The habit of early rising would help us to keep ourselves healthy, which means consumption of fewer tablets. It ultimately leads to less pollution and mitigation of climate change. The inactive people always consume more in terms of all resources out of laziness.

            The subsequent activity is going to toilet and excreting. The early excreting always helps to minimize generation of carbon dioxide and methane. Both these gases are responsible for Global Warming and Climate Change (cc).

            The Subsequent activity is cleaning of teethes. We are habituated to clean the teeth with tooth paste. It involves the mechanical process, transportation, use of all chemicals, which leads to pollution and cc. The use of Neem stick or Ayurvedic tooth powder would reduce the pollution and cc. There is need of rearing the name plants, etc for propagating this habit. In the initial days people can use these products for 3 days in a week.
          The subsequent activity is to take a glass of water or more to kick start our system. This habit would make the individuals active. It is to reiterate that active person always saves the resources and mitigates the cc.

            The subsequent activity is to take bath. Most of the people use the hot water to take bath. This would waste the valuable energy sources to heat the water. Some people erroneously take bath with stored water, which is very cool, which forces them to use hot water. Some people even refer hot water during the summer. It ruins the valuable energy sources unnecessarily. People doing bath with normal well water would save a lot of energy sources and pollution. However, the habit of bathing with normal water improves the health of the individuals. When the hot water is inevitable, we have to use the solar water heating systems to utilize the renewable energy sources, there by decreasing the pollution.

           The subsequent activity is to take breakfast. Usually, we prefer the cooked food. But cooking also wastes the valuable energy sources, which again causes the pollution and climate change. Even excessive use of L.P.G. also lowers the levels of the earth, there by causing inundation, etc. Hence, it is necessary to use the sprouts, fruits, vegetables, etc. as food to the extent of 25% least. It upkeeps the health, reduce the wastage in agricultural products, saves the energy. Many more advantages are there with the raw food. Especially, adding raw food to an extent of 100% in the breakfast would reveal the wonderful results in every aspect.

           The subsequent activity is to take to purchase the vegetables required for the day. Usually people purchase for 3 or 4 days and they store it in the refrizirator. Some people also travel by vehicle. All the above activities increase the pollution.  Instead of this people can grow the kitchen gardens.  The advantages are improving the greenery, access in the fresh air, saving money, doing the exercise, non-pesticides, healthy living and eco-friendly atmosphere.  There are many more advantages with the kitchen gardens.  Hence, we have to take up the kitchen gardens in the available spaces.  In absence of adequate vegetables we can purchase by going to the market on foot.  This saves a lot of energy and keeps the individual healthy.  If this habit continues regularly, there is no need of using the refrigerator.  Refrigerator is the main cause for emission of chloro floro carbons and consumes valuable energy continuously.  Thus it is source of high level of pollution which can damage ozone layer also.  An eco-friendly person shall immediately quit from the refrigerator to save the environment. 

           The subsequent activity is to cook. The usual mistake while cooking is that vegetables are not cut in small pieces, not using the pressure cooker, not soaking the rice, etc. All the above activities would consume the high levels of energy. So, there is need of taking the precautions in cooking for avoiding the pollution.

          The subsequent activity is to go to school/college or office. Usually it requires the transportation. In case of the distance below the one kilometer, we require to walk or use cycle. The best remedy is to have their house near their institutions. It saves a lot of energy. In case of inevitability we must use the community transportation. Vehicle pooling is the recent concept for rich persons doing the better jobs.
The subsequent activity is to do work in the office.

            The subsequent activity after reaching the office is to switch on the lighting, computer and air conditioners (in case of officers).The most bad habit is switching on the a. c. during the winter and rainy seasons. It releases the CFCs and consumes the high electricity. CFCs deplete the ozone layers and it leads to destruction of mankind. These gases stay in the air for 1000 years and continuously warm the atmosphere during its stay.   I feel that using the a.c. is a sin causing damage for the soul for 1000 years. Moreover, it also stops the elasticity of heart, with which we habituate to different atmospheres. It also damages kidney by flowing all the malignity through it by stopping the functioning of skin. Hence, we must quit the habit of using the a.c.

            Another bad habit is shutting the doors and windows and switching on the lights and fans. It unnecessarily wastes the energy. Instead of this we should allow all the natural air and light to come inside the room, to allow energy saving.

            Most of the times, we use to write or study the files, but don’t turn off the computer or monitor. Or at least keep in standby. Even most of us don’t know the concept of screen saver to operate to save energy. The screen consumes more energy than CPU. These simple but easy techniques would save a lot of energy. Purchasing the LCD or LED screens would save the energy. This action is dependent on officer. But subordinates can influence the decision.

            We must also make a habit to turn off all the electric appliances, while leaving the office and during the lunch. Total turning off of all the appliances would save a lot of energy. There by mitigate the cc.
            Taking the food carriage would also save valuable time and energy. While in head office, I use to dine together with all staff. It increases the intimacy and solves all the problems by discussing them during that period. Saving the time means, saving the energy, as working hours use to come down. During the working lunches, as Administrative Officer, I always provided the vegetarian food. This would always keep the officers active by consuming the less food at the same time saving valuable money.

            Some people use to eat raw food only during the lunch. Though not advisable but it keeps us active by avoiding drowsiness. But, it is must during the night to have perfect rest to metabolism.

            The communication is very vital to any office. Maintaining the website and e-mail id to all the staff would save all the paper, un-necessary posting, etc. Saving the paper means saving the trees.

           In the evening, most of the persons use to spend time without any utilitarian purpose.
People can propagate the Nutritional Garden for their own family. It has a lot of advantages. In this activity we can also go for Utilization of waste water. There is need of trees on the west side of the house, so as to save from the excessive heat of sun.In case of non-availability of space, they can go for rooftop gardens.
          During the nights, every person has to take bath in our country. They can leave all their tensions and there would be decrement in consumption of energy, as they feel cool. They have to take early and light food, so as to give full rest to body. One has to go to bed early, so as to have good health.
            During the night whatever I study is under the solar LED based lamp. It is the responsibility of every one of middle and above classes to adopt for the renewable energies, to generate more power and conserve the nature. It would also make the prices cheaper in future. It is evident that after large-scale use of LEDs, the prices have come down. It also boosted the solar energy sector. I have arranged the solar lights to most of my staff on salary deduction basis. It is arranged to them without burdening. Even I motivated other friends to go for similar procedure.


            In the recent past, we hear of pompous marriages without caring for the environment in our country. But, in the west we hear about the simple marriages. They invite very near and dear only. Marriage invitation cards are printed very simply or sent through the electronic form. The local material is preferred to make the arrangements. It a lot saves the valuable resources.
                    But, in contra, we hear gorgeous wedding cards, cutting of trees and wasting many resources. Even in our country now slowly we are hearing the simple marriages and mass marriages. Thirumala Thirupati Devasthanam is conducting the mass marriages with a name kalyanamasthu. In that suryapet municipality has organized 41 marriages stating the following advantages: It saves the valuable money as the thali,dress, mattelu is provided free of cost. It is simple marriage with out burdening the poor for arrangements. It is an eco-friendly marriage without wasting the resources. All the important dignitaries would attend without caring for their status.

            Such mass marriages are really good in nature. Even, I have seen such mass marriages among the Muslims in nirmal.

            While purchasing material also every one should watch whether this is a reusable or use and through? Is it actually needed to buy(reduce)? Is it an eco-friendly(recyclable)? Though we have capacity to refuse the plastic, use and through material, etc, but we do not do it. When it is not followed by an intelligent, it is accepted by many people, as they do not know the ramifications.

It is the responsibility of every individual to motivate others to go green. It plays very vital role in conservation of nature.


Management of Solid Waste is an essential and mandatory duty of the Urban Administrators. The Supreme Court had directed the state to take measures for the safe disposal of the Solid Waste consequently. Implementation of Solid Waste Management and handling Rules – 2001 had been made mandatory by the GoI.

Even after 6 years of passage of Act, it is not implemented in full length. House to House Garbage Collection is not 100%.Source segregation is not practiced in many municipalities. The garbage is still burnt and many municipalities lack the processing facilities. All these things put together make the urban environment hazardous. Recent Garbage crises in Kerala and spread of mosquito related deceases in various parts of the country have reminded the importance of management of Solid Waste.

Unless and until the Solid Waste is safely disposed the ambience of Urban Environment is not possible.

What is Solid Waste?

Solid Waste is defined as the material not useful to the citizen by any means. Hence the citizen throws it negligently as it is not useful to him without recognizing the damage by negligent disposal.


As the people do not recognize the advantage or disadvantages of Solid Waste disposal, they still habituated to follow practices such as burning, non-segregation, open littering, throwing into drains. Even the Municipalities are not far behind in following such practices.


As the redundant practices at citizen and Municipality level is in vogue, the logical initialization is attitudinal change in the Urban Administrators. They should believe them selves that they can implement the Best practices of the Solid Waste Management to tide over the crises of Solid Waste mis- management.

If they believe in themselves, the next logical step is to storm the brains of subordinate staff and consequently it percolate to people.

House-to-House advertisement, SHG meetings, Ward level meetings, school children awareness programmes through various communicative methods are key to disseminate the information about the importance of SWM activity. Without the participation of the people, anything is near impossible. Various agencies are ready to help in organizing the awareness programmes to people.

The next logical step is the arrangements for the house-to-house Garbage collection and Segregation at the Source.

The proper arrangements should be made for the regular visits of the houses for collecting the Garbage on regular basis. On the basis of the convenience either Cycle Rikshaw or Auto or Tractor should be used for the HHGC. But the result shows that the tractor is the easiest mode for collection of HHG, where the lanes are above 15’ width.

In commercial areas, we can keep the trolley of tractor in the night itself and disposing the same as first trip. In the vegetable, fruit market and meet market similar strategy can be followed, but with little difference is that the SW involved in the later case is mostly wet waste. It is extremely useful in composting.


The TFC grants provide the precious opportunity to strengthen the infrastructure for Solid Waste activities. Instead of buying the dustbins and dumper bins, Municipal Commissioners must concentrate on the materials which helps to implement the Solid Waste Rules, as per statute, such as Pulveriser, Vermi Compost sheds, development of Compost Yard, transfer stations, etc.


Without the help of the workers the Solid Waste activity is next to impossible. Municipal Commissioner has to win the hearts of workers by welfare measures. He must determine to pay the salaries of his staff on the very first day of the mouth. To clear off the arrear debts of the staff he should also provide loans to staff. (When the family Budgeting is done to SHG members, similar exercise must be done to our own workers). If funds allow even the loans from municipality for possible purposes should be arranged.

Since the Municipal workers works in the unhygienic atmosphere, the health of them is very crucial. They should be facilitated with the medical camps. Yoga is one of the best methods to tide over the ill practices in public health workers. It will bring the over all development in them.


The key ingredient to taken up the disposal of Waste is land for the composting. So far 39 Municipalities do not have land for composting and Municipalities have the deficit land.


The Dry waste such as paper, plastic, and glass, etc can be reused. The best way to dispose over the Wet Waste is composting or Vermi Composting. The ideal way for improving the quality of composted material is to segregate plastic effectively. Where large quantity of organic material such as dung, vegetable waste, food waste is available, Bio -methenation is the best method to follow.

Last but not the least, Municipal commissioner should not allow more Waste generation. Using of cloth or jute bags instead of plastic bags will help in such direction. The plastic creates much have by chowking drains and it doesn’t allow the water from percolating.

To conclude, the SWM is an activity where Municipal Commissioner can win the hearts of the people by effective implementation. The advantages of SWM are innumerable to people, municipality and nation too. Hence, Urban Administrators must strive to implement SWM Rules – 2000.

Municipal Commissioner should also convince the advantages of the new system of collection to the workers. I am reminding you as below.

In old system workers have to lift the unclean Solid Waste, but in new system they collect the Solid Waste in cleaner condition. They can demand citizens to not to throw the garbage. Health, life expectancy of workers is ensured in the new system.

Sustainability: The sustainability of the initiative is crucial than making it success. In this regard, the practices should be made institutionalized. It should not be person dependent. Another aspect is economic viability. There shall be User Charges for the services rendered by the Urban Local Body. In absence of User Charges, it would be tough to meet the small expenditures also.