Sunday, 2 October 2011

Decentralized Composting

Aim: To Vermi compost the wet waste generating in the institutions, where the leaf waste and food waste is generating in the town in decentralized manner instead of Compost Yard.

Background: Only market waste, slaughter house is the source of wet waste. Much of the wet waste of the institutions and houses are not collected and segregated. This leads to not processing of waste.

Activity: The institutions shall be motivated to take up the Vermi composting at the source, where the wastage is generated. The earth worms should be supplied by the municipality at free of cost by reproducing in the existing compost yard. Where there is availability of open space and wet waste production is more, there municipality can concentrate on the decentralized Composting. Otherwise, the wet waste can be transferred in to the near by available open spaces. It is a viable option in the peripheral areas. The institutions to be concentrated are colleges, function halls, parks, peripheral areas, etc.

• The quantity of the Vermi Compost use to increase.
• Wet waste is utilized properly by processing it at source. It decreases the pollution and leads to the mitigation of climate Change.
• The vehicles need not carry the huge wet waste and need not stop at that point to collect. It saves valuable fuel and time of the municipality. It enables to serve better in other places and cost of services also reduces. Saving the fuel also leads to mitigation of Climate Change.
• The quality of waste collected use to increase, as segregation is done by default.
• Owners of the institution can utilize the compost generated for their own plants and trees.

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