Saturday, 24 January 2015

Advantages of Dry waste purchase programme

Background :  Dry waste collection programme is a prchase of paper , plastic,cartoons,glass, metal ,etc from households for 1 rupee a kg. It would be parchased once in a week on a designated day. People would upkeep dry waste in a bag
and hand it over to municipal staff or authorised persons.
Methodology :
1.IEC activities one week before programme is necessary,to increase the public participation.
2. One spring balance for weighing the waste is necessary.
3. One Banner to start the programme.

There are many advantages of  waste purchase programme in terms of health,economic, environment and service delivery as follows :

1. The primary object of wealth out of waste is assured  to households, Collecting people and Urban Local Bodies.

2. The resources would be saved and leads to environment Protection. Saving 70 kg of paper again generates 55 kg of paper. Out of one tree ,we can get 55 kg of paper.Thus , saving 70 kg of paper is saving a tree. For fresh manufacturing of glass,metals ,plastic bags also require a lot of energy  and  material.  The same can be saved.

3. Also, the  plastic, metals and glass can be saved through this initiative. Manufacturing of any material a fresh requires a lot of energy than Recycling it. India  ( our Country )is not self sufficient country in  production of perto products.  Thus, wastage of any resources leads to enrgy consumption. Further, it leads to pollution and  increase of petroleum prices due to excessive use  for manufacturing new materials.

4.  Dry waste purchase programme ensures the segregation of dry waste and wet waste. We can manufacture the compost  out of quality  wet waste. India is spending about 1, 60, 000 crore Rupees  on import of fertilisers.  But our country has the potential to manufacture the Bio- fertilisers out of  wet waste generated  in our country. It also leads to the healthy habit of Non pesticide management.

5. Service delivery can be improved with less number of working people. The people usually throw garbage in drains or open spaces. One worker has to desilt or lift and second person has to carry and third person should put it in vehicle. Thus,three additional persons are required ,if not purchased. The studies in the  purchased areas that the time taken for drain desiltation has substantially decreased.
6.   Employment can be generated for 300 houses per a person for collection .Also , similar number of people are required for segregation of dry waste into different categories.

7. Health of people and sanitation staff improves. The people in absence of purchase  throw it in drain or open space or burn it. Throwing in to drains would choke them and generates the foul smell and become breeding centres of mosquitoes. Burning of waste  would also creates the pollution. Purchasing the waste would avoid all the maladies and lead to healthy conditions. This would reduce the poverty by increasing the man days and reducing the expenditure on health. It also stops the pollution of water bodies and there by avoids the water borne diseases.

8.  Sanitation staff usually mix the dry waste and wet waste. It generates more foul smell. The same used to be consumed by the sanitation staff,leading to decrement in life expectancy. In the new system,life expectancy increases.

9. The complaints on drains choking and garbage lifting can be reduced. Officers can concentrate on the other development activities.

10. The decorum of the town improves.

11.  Public satisfaction improves.

12.  Pollution of air, soil,water bodies would be controlled .

13. It adheres to the environmental principles of Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and recover. There by  protects the environment.

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