Saturday, 27 June 2015

Maladies of french toilets

 In the recent past, many of the new buildings are placing the french toilets. Some people even replacing the Indian type of toilets with the french toilets.

 The reason for such changes are includes the growing knee joint pains in young age, obesity and using modern gadgets while excretion. Instead of finding the remedies to the joint pains, people are resorting of temporary solutions like french toilets. Many of the people don't realise to know the importance of excretion .

But,Using of french toilets have a lot of disadvantages as follows :

 1. The time for excretion is usually high in french toilets, thus increases the tension for lack of time.

 2. People started to read paper and use of mobile phone to save time at the time of excretion. But, it is causing lack of concentration on it.

 3. The excretion usually don't take place fully. Thus, the impurities in the body remains in the body causing the burden on the end organs like heart, skin, kidney , etc. It is also causing gastric problems and indigestion.

 4. The post excretion cleaning is also not good by people in India. It may causes the diseases like dhiorria.

 5. Some modern french toilets consists water pipe directly pumping water on to anus.But, there is every possibility of water hitting the sensitive parts of anus and leading to piles, etc.

Tuesday, 16 June 2015

Simple water harvesting techniques

Simple techniques of water harvesting :

 It is is now time to harvest the rain water. The Ground water has depleted alarmingly. The reason is simple that most of the houses are covered with granite or tiles, not allowing water to percolate. We want drain to drain roads without thinking about the water conservation.

 I would like to tell you the simple water conservation techniques.

 1. Simply water out of the roof can be caught in the buckets and vessels and to use it for other than drinking purpose.

 2. Roof water can be sent to already constructed sumps or tubs.

3. Banana sapplings can be planted , where roof water falls. Banana plants have amazing capacity to absorb water.

4. Removing tiles and granite stones of your back/front yard , allowing water to conserve. Enjoy the water conservation, as you are 90% water. Share it among other Groups, if you like it to reach many.

 Srinivas, municipal commissioner, Mahabubnagar.

Sunday, 14 June 2015

Athi sarvathra varjeyath

Athi sarvathra varjeyath is the vedic word, which means not to do the activity or consumption frequently. Doing something frequently causes boredom and loss of interest. This article of Athi sarvathra Varjeyath is written in the context of the bird flu disease caused by virus in the Birds , especially in hens and cocks.

 Here i want to discuss the methods evolved in rearing the Birds and its immunity. Also, the methods of consumption of chicken based meet and ways to control them.

 In olden days, hens and cocks ( Henceforth Birds) were reared locally and sale or purchase of Birds was a rare activity. The Birds were moving in the backyard of the house and Birds sometimes go out also to earn its food. Over a period of time, some people started selling and purchasing Birds. But, this activity was in small scale and use to carried out directly or in fairs or weekly markets.

 In 19 80s, small scale farms were established for rearing the Birds. There were some space for Birds to move in the farms. The feed was given to Birds by rearing persons. The contagious diseases to the Birds were rare.

 In late 19 90s , Large scale Bird's farms were established. The space for the Birds have drastically reduced. The feed used to be given excessively to the Birds. In sanitary conditions use to prevail in the Bird's farms. These things have caused the frequent contagious diseases and use of vaccines and medicines. Bird flu is one of such diseases. But, it is deterring the human beings and their food security.

 Evolution of Consumption of meat :

 In olden days, meat used to be consumed only during the festivals and temple festivals. It is allowed at the time of arrival of guests. There use to be curry and gravy. Much varieties were also not available, except in a few rich houses. Some hunting families and dead animals eaters used to consume non vegetarian regularly. Some people went to an extent by storing meat as pickle and dried pieces.

 After liberalisation in 1991, many changes have occurred in the consumption of non vegetarian food. Many big shops have been opened. Cooked food is also available in large varieties. Kababs, leg pieces, manchuria, puffs are some of such varieties. KFC, McDonald's revolutionised the sale market of non vegetarian food. People started eating the non vegetarian food on regular intervals. Some people started eating in different non vegetarian food varieties on almost every day. Most of functions are served with the non vegetarian food with the fear of blame from relatives. The attendance of the people is low, where vegetarian food is served. Thus, people are forced to serve non vegetarian food during the marriages and functions. But, optimum number of people still follows the weekly 2 days holiday on the name of God. The boon in disguise is that people learning yoga , swadyaya follwers and some other people left the non vegetarian food either temporarily or permenently.

 How to decrease the non veg consumption :

 1. The consumption of non vegetarian food during the marriages and functions has to be banned by all castes and religions.

 2. The holidays for slaughtering has to be strictly implemented. Even selling and consumption of non vegetarian food has to be strictly prohibited on those days. It is pertinent to mention that Jahangir, the Mughal king also banned consumption of non vegetarian food , twice in a week.

 3. The vegetarian propogation organisations should expedite the work. It is to remind that Buddhism and Jainism have protected the cattle population, when there was crisis in 6th century B.C. Similar conditions are existing now.

 4. The illegal trafficking of animals and birds should be prohibited.

 5. Wide publicity should be give on the advantages of vegetarian food and losses of non vegetarian food to the environment.

 6. The Self control measures like sravana masa, weekly holidays shall be reinvented to motivate vegetarianism.

Saturday, 13 June 2015

Maladies of Alluminium vessels

Aluminium is a metal used to make cooking vessels and other industrial purposes. It was first used for cooking vessels and eating plates during the British period in Jails. The intention of the British were to weaken the freedom fighters. Due to the legacy of British, we are still cooking in the Aluminium vessels. The Disadvantages of cooking in Aluminium are that it reacts with the flourine and forms Aluminium florate , which is 200 times dangerous than ordinary flourine. The flourosis causes joint pains and bone pains in the initial stages. In the next stage, it causes bones are weakened , bones are deformed. It has impact on brain and tooth. Hence, today I have quit the cooking in Aluminium vessels. Instead I started get cooking in the Brass vessels. It is realised after 5 days thinking to quit. I request to quit Alluminium cooking vessels.

Sunday, 7 June 2015

Natural Alternatives

Dear friends, use of artificial products is one of the reasons for the degredation of the environment. To quote, in olden days people use to use soap nut powder or shikakai for cleansing hair. This compelled the people to protect the trees. In the present days, we are using chemicals, where we need not compell to protect trees. The chemicals pollutes the earth and don't irreverse the pollution caused. Where as tree products don't cause pollution and irreverse the pollution. This is one model case study.we can think of tooth powder, soaps, cosmetics, pesticides , fertilisers and many things. Hence, I request that while buying a product, think whether it is an environment friendly product or not. I request you to share this thought with other Groups, if you like it. Happy environment day.

Advantages of drinking pot water

Drinking the pot water has multiple advantages of health, economic and environment. They are as follows : 1. As per the vedas and Ayurveda, human body is made up of pancha bhutas. Drinking water in pot allows swallowing of minerals and Bhu (earth) amsha. This will keep the consumers healthy by supplying nutrition to body. Where as steel and plastic does not do this. 2. The cool water in pot doesn't cause the cold , cough and other respiratory problems. Where as the cool water in the fridge has a lot of temperature difference and causes respiratory problems. 3. The pot water has mechanism of cooling naturally. The temperature of water in pot changes according to the season. One can avoid the refrigerator, which damages the environment, by using pot. 4.Pot is usually made up of black cotton soil taken from the tanks. On using of the pots, desiltation of tanks naturally takes place. This protects the environment by upkeeping the water in the tank and greenary around the tank. 5. The habit of drinking water in pot allows the thriving of pottery industry. This will create additional man days during the summer. It is a boon for the rural employment. 6. The disposal of pot remains is an easy and an eco friendly process. Where as disposal of other metals and plastic is difficult task. 7. The manufacturing process of pot use to be a energy efficient way. The metal and plastic vessels consume a lot of energy and transportation. 8. The manufacturing of pots use to be in a decentralised way. It doesn't use or release the chemicals. Where as metals and plastic manufacturing use to be done in centralised way. It requires many chemicals and releases the same. There by pollutes the environment.