Sunday, 7 June 2015

Advantages of drinking pot water

Drinking the pot water has multiple advantages of health, economic and environment. They are as follows : 1. As per the vedas and Ayurveda, human body is made up of pancha bhutas. Drinking water in pot allows swallowing of minerals and Bhu (earth) amsha. This will keep the consumers healthy by supplying nutrition to body. Where as steel and plastic does not do this. 2. The cool water in pot doesn't cause the cold , cough and other respiratory problems. Where as the cool water in the fridge has a lot of temperature difference and causes respiratory problems. 3. The pot water has mechanism of cooling naturally. The temperature of water in pot changes according to the season. One can avoid the refrigerator, which damages the environment, by using pot. 4.Pot is usually made up of black cotton soil taken from the tanks. On using of the pots, desiltation of tanks naturally takes place. This protects the environment by upkeeping the water in the tank and greenary around the tank. 5. The habit of drinking water in pot allows the thriving of pottery industry. This will create additional man days during the summer. It is a boon for the rural employment. 6. The disposal of pot remains is an easy and an eco friendly process. Where as disposal of other metals and plastic is difficult task. 7. The manufacturing process of pot use to be a energy efficient way. The metal and plastic vessels consume a lot of energy and transportation. 8. The manufacturing of pots use to be in a decentralised way. It doesn't use or release the chemicals. Where as metals and plastic manufacturing use to be done in centralised way. It requires many chemicals and releases the same. There by pollutes the environment.

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