Wednesday, 5 November 2014

Importance of O&M Plan

Background: During the APUSP days, priority was given to preparation and implementation of O&M plan. But, it was neglected subsequently. There are many advantages in adopting that system. However, I implemented the same system, wherever I worked, duly convincing the staff.

Activity:ULBs have to operate and maintain the water supply, sanitation, street  lighting, roads, drains, parks, etc.The subcomponents in each component is mentioned here under.

Different Components:

1.Water supply
a . chemicals
D.leakage material
E.filter media
G.Capacitors&other electric materials
I.other material

2.Street lighting:                
C.other material

D.Spades, etc.

B.Road Cuttings
C.B.T patches.


Level corrections


A.Children materials repairs

Advantages :

1.In water supply, there was an effective O&M agency was existing at nirmal and Suryapet. The agency use to take every responsibility of repair in water supply related to electrical engineering and mechanical engineering. Even in case of failure, Commissioner and Engineers were informed of that by water supply fitters,etc. . subsequently, agency was informed of the failure. Agency used to attend the defect immediately. Meanwhile, one staff of the water supply use to obtain the approval, duly explaining the defect and showing the spoiled material. Wherever necessary, Commissioner use to inspect personally.There was no hindrance in regular water supplying.  
In contrary to the above situation, there was no O&M agency at khammam, despite of many efforts. Here, Commissioner and Engineers have to personally look after all these things. Calling quotations and deciding the agency use to be a herculean task. Also ,the payment to agency in the assured time used to be more difficult. In lieu of the O& M agency, it used to be difficult for the administrator. 

2. Though Bhainsa was a small municipality, there used to be vehicle maintenance agency. Vehicle used to be intact . breakdowns used to be very less.Where as in most of the municipalities, there was no proper maintenance of the vehicles and it is dependent on the sanitary Inspector concerned. There used to be also problems related to the advance adjustment and ultimately leading to audit objections.

In absence of O&M Plan in street lighting,  there used to be exhausting of the material leading to many complaints reached to municipal commissioner. It use to happen in smaller ULBs, where the funds are lacking.Also it happen, where there is no proper planning in larger ULBs.

4 . Arresting leakages in water supply plays vital role.It is a small thing but created many problems including death of persons with diahorria, suspension of officials. Some officials do not give priority for procurement of leakages arresting material,leading to tension. When all the materials are available, there used to be no problem with lower level staff to higher ups. I recall the incident happened in 2004 in Nirmal municipality. There was large number of people were affected by the diahorria. Many higher ups stayed in the Nirmal to control the situation. But, subsequently, efficiency of leakages arresting staff was improved to an amazing stage.They used to work even on sundays ,saying a single sentence, we only have to attend the work on tomorrow. I have never seen such attitude in any ULB, except in suryapet to certain extent. 

5. Even some officials don't give priority to procurement of chemicals such as chlorine cylinders, bleaching powder, Liquid chlorine, and Alum,This largely affects the quality of the water. Complaints are very common in larger ULBs in huge number. 

6.Road maintenance is caused due to two reasons. One is potholes caused due to rains and second is due to digging of road manually due to  laying of tap connections, water and sewer lines  and optical fibre lines.Despite of receiving the amount from the users, many officers don't think to rectify the roads, with which people use to suffer a lot.Some people even complain of back aches. Hence, there is need of taking up of road maintenance.

7.Drain maintenance lacking is the cause of mosquitoes breeding. Even the drain is spoilt, officers don't care for it.slowly the process of damage completes and lead to execution of new work . Meanwhile, many complaints used to be received from people and mosquitoes bred like any thing.

8.Parks maintenance is a very crucial for keeping the parks and play grounds and greenary alive.Some officials don't keep the chemicals and tools&plants for the maintenance of the parks &play grounds. The children equipment are mostly rusted or with holes on it.These things to be set right to elevate the status of the ULB.

9. Signals maintenance Plays vital role in controlling the traffic problems. Most of the times officials don't care for the maintenance after the installing the traffic lights. In order to avoid such problems, O&M should be part of the estimate. In this regard, not spending money on the maintenance of the traffic lights would lead to requirement for installation of new systems.

10.valves leakages required a few amount to purchase the arresting material. But, the leakages out of the volves on main junctions spoils the name of the ULB. maintenance of filterbeds plays vital role in materialising the quality of the water.But, unfortunately officials don't care about it even after lapse of years of specified time.

12. Sanitation materials maintenance plays vital role in increasing the efficiency of the workers.Most of the sanitary officials don't procure the material in the time.This leads to stopping of the work and agitation by workers.

13 . Capacitors maintenance plays vital role in materialising the saving of valuable power and expenditure of the ULB.But, most of the officials are unaware of the technicalities and advantages of installing the capacitors rightly to reduce the electicity bills.

14.B.T maintenance plays vital role in sustainability of the BT roads.It saves the valuable amount and provide the longevity to the road . Instead of taking up the maintenance, some officials take up a new road.

Overall Advantages :

1 . Service levels to citizens would be improved.
2 . valuable money would be saved, duly saving resources.
3.There would be administrative ease in implementation of  citizens charter and Service Level Bench marks.
4 . valuable time would be saved and work would be possible with less number of persons.
5.Procedural lapses would be controlled.
6.Reliability on the ULB would be increased in the suppliers.

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