Monday, 27 October 2014

Advantages of up keeping the grass

Public Health workers are trained to remove all the grass besides the road boundary. They feel it as 100% Solid waste Management. In all the municipalities I worked , i  instructed to stop the removing of grass on the road margins.

There are many advantages of up keeping the grass on road margins as follows :

1.It avoids the  soil erosion .
2.Sucks and upkeeps the water during the rains.
3.It captures the solar insolation and avoids warming.
4.It allows at least small amount of sucking of corban dioxide and release of oxygen in to air.Thus ,reducing the pollution.
5.Grass is source of  insects.Dragon fly , frogs eats these insects and also eats the mosquitoes as well. Thus, grass can indirectly reason for mosquitoes control by providing food for the mosquito eating insects. Also ,it is reason for biodiversity. Lack of grass, food chain has been disturbed in urban areas.

So, all the municipal officers should recognise the importance of the grass on the road margins and issue instructions not to remove the grass in the interests of environment Protection.

Ayyo gaddi kadha pikithe emautundante, tharuvatha pikadaniki gaddi kuda undadu. (What happens if I remove this useless  grass, later you will not left with any work.).

I also share my experience that I was a regular visitor of the Compost yard of suryapet, during my tenure. Whenever the dragon flies( Booga in Adilabad district, tummiska in Nalgonda district and khammam districts, Tuniga in Andhra area) were existing, there were no mosquitoes were existing in the suryapet compost yard.On one day  I noticed a lot of mosquitoes in the same compost yard. It due to the absence of the dragon flies.My elders also told me that dragon fly eats the mosquitoes. Now ,the eating of mosquitoes by dragon fly is part of curriculum for 4th class students. 

Sunday, 26 October 2014

Energy saving initiatives in khammam city

Various initiatives in energy saving has been initiated in the Khammam Municipal corporation.They include the non cost incurring,self financed and partially financed by the central Government.

Project assisted by GoI:
The Government of India have introduced a scheme for energy conservation through New & Renewable Energy Developments Corporation. Under this project cost to be sanctioned 50:50 on sharing base like providing of solar energy systems, LED lighting system and energy saving ballasts to suitable chowks to achieve the energy conservation to municipalities and municipal corporations etc.,
Earlier as a pilot project an amount of Rs.8.00 lakhs was sanctioned under 50:50 i.e, 4.00 lakhs by the Municipal Corporation and 4.00 lakhs by the NREDC, Hyderabad provided 200 Numbers of suitable Energy saving electronic ballast to existing 250/150 Watts bulbs in various places in the town. Due to this approximately 20-25% energy consumption is saved on that fittings. 

Further,  under the same scheme,an amount of Rs. 49.87 lakhs were sanctioned under 50:50 sharing i.e., 24.93 lakhs by the Municipal Corporation & 24.93 lakhs by the NREDC, Hyderabad for providing 4700 nos T12 FTLs energy saving electronic ballasts & 43Nos 5KV GPRS automation system (Automatic switch on/off, energy tracking and electronic ballasts were fixed for same lights for energy efficiency) in various places in the town. Due to this approximately 35 to 40% energy has been saved on the same fittings. 


 The Khammam Municipal is upgraded as a Municipal Corporation merged with (9) panchayats vide its G.O Ms.No 399, Dt:19.10.2012, the area of the town is 93.45 Sq.Kms, as per 2011 census, the population of the Khammam town is 3,0,5,000. the Khammam town is sistuated at 79047'00" E longitude to 16045'00" N Latitude. In this town there are (50) election divisions and 71 slums, out of which there is (23) notified slums and (49) Non-notified slums.


 The following street lights are being maintained by this office:
1) 36W tube lights : 10050 Nos
2) 70W tube lights : 650 Nos
3) 150W SV lamps : 2150 Nos
4) 250W SV lamps : 2550 Nos
Also is being maintained Highmast lights are about (21) Nos in this town.
At present this Corporation is being paid monthly consumption charges about               Rs. 35-40 lakhs. Khammam Municipal Corporation has started energy saving from street lights in the town. For this more number of persons deployed for switch OFF the lights. Staff has shown great discipline by starting switching off at 5.30am. In the summer it is little earlier.

Alternate lighting system during the night 11 O'clock, the lights of high illumination and illuminated at the monthly to save energy and after providing energy electronic chowks 200 Nos total approximately every month an amount of Rs. 80,000 - 1,00,000 lakh per month. Recently erected the electronic chowks & GPRS automation system at various places and worked out 2 days readings compare to last month readings in certain service no.s approximately 30 to 40% energy saved.

Now in the office building have to be convert into solar lighting system as well as in the existing 14 Nos of parks have to be provided the solar lights . These two are yet to be taken up by the NRED, Khammam.

Now simultaneously in the town have to be provide 36W energy electronic chowks to existing 36W tube lights due to this energy consumption is saved.


 Now in the town, it is to be proposed 1500 Nos 250 W  S.V lamps & 1500 No.s 150W  lamps to provide 250W  & 150W energy electronic chowks in I Town, II Town, III Town areas.

Physical Consumption as follows:
i) 250 Watts  :    1500 x 250 x 11 hours/day
    = 41,25,000 Watts
    = 4125 KW/day
ii) 150 watts  :    1500 x 150 x 11 hours / day
    = 24,75,000 Watts
    = 2475 KW/day
  Total  = 6600 KW/day
After providing energy electronic chowks
 Energy consumption  = 25%
  i.e.,  = 6600 x 25%  = 1650.00 Watts
  Net Qty = 6600 - 1650.00 = 4950.00 KW/day.

= 6600 KW / day  x 5.40
    =  35,640.00 /Day
    = 10,69,200 / month

After providing of electronic chowks
   = 4950.00 x 5.40
   = 26,730.00 / day
   = 8,01,900 / month
Saving = 10,69,200 - 8,01,900
  = 2,67,300/ month
The Energy electronic chowk period is 8 years
 i.e.,  2,67,300 x 96 = 2,56,60,800
The        of energy electronic chowk for 3000     =   1,12,50,000
For Eight years period =         2,56,60,800
     1,44,10,800  Saving

 Actual 50% subsidy by Government of India
    = 144.10 + 56.25 = 200.35lakhs per 8 years
 i.e, month = 200.35/96 =   2.09 lakhs per month.
Average loss of chowks for 8 years = 4
Cost of chowk    = Rs. 4000.00
Total Cost on replacement of chowks in 8 years =4 x 650 x 3000 = 78.00 lakhs
Avewrage energy saving with automation = 10%
      = 1500 x 11 x250 x 1/10 x 5.40
      = 2227 per day
Total period saving    = 2227 x 84 x 365 days
      = 682.80 lakhs

1." To reduce the cost of maintenance materials "
2." To reduce the power consumption charges "
3." To increase the life of 36W tube light
4.Percapita swtch on/off would be decreased.
5 . valuable energy conseved and it conserves environment.

        Similarly, other Initiatives were also taken up as follows :
1 . earlier , the number of swith on/off persons were increased to achieve sunsynchronisation.

2.Amount was paid to NPDCL  for installing third stops the continous glowing of lights in the newly merged areas.The saving would be 50% in that area.
3.All the meters were checked regularly. Non functional meters were replaced.
4.The CMD was corrected, duly paying the required amount.
5.The energy bills were paid promptly and avoided penalties.
6. MCBs were purchased for effective switch on/off.It increases the speed of switch on / off, while ensuring the safety of staff.
7 . Alternative lighting was arranged for central lighting after night 11 p.m.Saving was 30% of glowing of that particular area.
8.The High mast lights were switch off after 11 p.m. Saving was 50% of that lights used.
9.Solar standby lights were arranged in the important junctions, to avoid inconvenience to people and to save some amout of power.
10.Some lights of higher wattage was removed and standardised with optimum wattage lights.

Similarly, in water supply , following initiatives were taken up:
1.Capacitors were installed to all the motors of water supply and saved more than 30% of energy.
2.Old motors were replaced with new motrs.
3.old and leaking volves were replaced with new saved water and energy.
4.CMD was corrected.

Other initiatives are as follows :
1.Amount was paid to NREDCCAP for making the office solar .

2.Amount was paid to NREDCAP for installation of solar lights in parks.

Private participation in solid waste collection

Background: Lack of public health workers always hampers the work of Solid waste Management. But, the salaries and perks in the recent past has been increased to unaffordable level of Urban Local Bodies. In the above circumstances, it is inevitable to engage the private participation to decrease the burden of the ULBs.

Initiatives :
1.The participation of tribals in the suryapet was very less and same time yerukala community required rehabilitation from the pig rearing. I have taken the approval of the the then special officer M.C.lal During 2010 for engaging their services in dry waste collection. The total dry waste collected has to be retained by them and same has to be sold in the market.Municipality had paid honorarium to them.They woked for about 2 years during my tenure in suryapet. They collected the dry waste during the nights efficiently. Subsequently, they classified the waste in to different components within dry waste.The staff also cooperated well with the community people. This initiative of rehabilitation was appreciated by the then Collector nalgonda sri.N.Mukhteswar Rao.

2.In khammam, the usercharges were for different establishments were approved by the then special officer, Khammam Municipal Corporation and District Collector sri.Siddhartha Jain. This has become a big task to municipal Corporation and 3 or 4 people have to be engaged for collection. A meeting with the commercial area people was taken and informed to engage a tractor on their.In khammam town, there was a tradition to collect the hotel waste engaging their own vehicle. Similarly, vehicle for other commercial establishments were also engaged. The workers were also belongs to the commercial establishments. This has decreased the burden of the collection of waste in commercial areas and collection of user charges engaging the staff, where staff was shortage.

3.Chicken Waste use to be a menace to the effective solid waste management. Municipal Commissioner ,Khammam sri.B . Srinivas has initiated a meeting with the chicken shop owners to avoid thowing of the chicken waste unauthorisedly. They have agreed for it.already one person was collecting chicken waste to feed the fishes they are rearing. This method of collection was strengthened.This has averted the illegal dumping of chicken waste.

4.The tender coconuts ware the main source of mosquitoes breeding. The mosquitoes borne diseases were more prevalent in the khammam. Unless the tender coconuts were properly collected and disposed off, the problem remains. This was sorted with the help of the then district collector Sri.Srinivasa srinaresh.He sanctioned a tender coconuts crushing machine. A meeting was convened with all coconut sellers and to handover the coconuts to process plants at designated places. They engaged their own tractor and collected tender coconuts.This has largely averted the garbage problem and mosquitoes menace.It is also one of the reasons for the mosquitoes control.

Thursday, 16 October 2014

Traffic management

Reasons for Jams:
1. When road is not catering the demanded width of the traffic.
2.Pot holes and repairs of the road cause decrement in the speed of the vehicles and ultimately lead to traffic jams.
3.Lack of free lefts.
4 . unnecessary hinderance of the pedestrians.
5.Lack of proper planning
6.Lack of traffic lights.
7 . Movement of push carts on the roads.
8. Lack of parking spaces.
9.Lack of attitude in traffic management staff including traffic police, municipality and other departments.
10 . Electric poles on the road.
11.Lack of busstannds and auto stands.
12.Inadequate number of markets at various places
13.Occupation of parking spaces.
14 . illegal structures in apartment open spaces.
15.Lack of dividers in the roads.
16. Inadequate traffic management staff.
17.Inadequate sanctions to cater the needs.
18.Lack of political will.

Activity : It can be divided into two phases.
   In the first phase, District traffic management committee meetings were held and some decisions were taken to clear the problems related to traffic. Two meetings were held under the chairmanship of the collector sri.Siddhartha Jain. A.V.Ranganath, S.P , D.S.Ps., Traffic C.I., and other officers attended the meeting.The key issues discussed were related to khammam town only.

The action taken on the points include are :
1.Removal of the encroachments existing in the cellars of the apartments.
2 . Establishment of new traffic signal in the Busstand junction.
3.Identification of new parking lots.
4.Payment of annual maintenance amount of traffic lights.
In all the above initiatives, Smt.Sunitha, D.S.P has taken a lot of interest. Auto stands were also identified. The same were implemented at a later stage.The Paid parking proposals were not materialised due to the strong resentment from communist parties.

At a later stage, Sri.Ramesh assumed the charge of Circle Inspector of traffic. He worked  with a perfect planning, continuously met the municipal officials, co-ordnated with the police staff.D.S.P,S.P., Collector sir  Srinivasa Sreenaresh gave him free hand.
City level traffic committee meetings were held under the chairmanship of theB.Srinivas, municipal commissioner .He involved the traffic, engineering section, Town planning section, R&B officials, Electricity department.
The following successes were achieved:
1.The important roads were widened with c.c.roads.
2.Renewal of B.T was done with around 500 lakh Rupees .It provided the alternate and hassle free roads.
3.Series of meetings were conducted with the street vendors and earmarked the zones and provided Identity cards for vendors. Also, two markets were established for them with the help of Superintendent of Police sri.A.v.Ranganath.They were also restricted not to come out of earmarked area.Chains were also arranged by the traffic police to arrange an additional area.
4.Some more encroachments in the apartments were removed.
5.Some roads were declared one ways.
6 . Dividers made up of cement blocks with a cost of 20 Lakh Rupees were placed on the roads to avoid the hapazarous movement of the vehicle.As per an oral enquiry, people felt that these cement blocks brought discipline in mototorists.Free left ways were created with the help of c.c blocks.Also Bus bays  and auto stands were also established. These c.c blocks have brought a revolution in the traffic management in the khammam city.
7.One more traffic signal was arranged at mayuri centre by SBH under Corporate social responsibility.
8.During the rainy reason, main road at mayuri centre use to inundated. Sullage outfall drain was constructed, duly diverting some of the flow to other area.Drainage holes were cleared and desiltation of Gollapadu channel was taken up.These activities avoided the inundation and traffic jams.
9.All the officials of police, Municipal Corporation, R&B and electricity have worked as a team to sort out the problems.
10.Many electric poles on the road was replaced by the NPDCL on payment of amount basis .Some poles were removed from roads, as instructed by the District Collector.
11.The traffic staff was alot increases by the S.P sir.The young blood is injucted into the traffic wing.
 12) Establishment of DARNACHOWK .Earlier, political leaders used to obstruct the traffic at Busstand and mayuri centre.Later it was banned by Sri . A.V.Ranganath, S.P. .At later stages ,the same was continued at offices.On one day CPM staged dharna at municipal Corporation office and caused alot of problem both to police and municipal staff . consequently, Municipal Commissioner, Khammam had addressed a letter to district collector and Superintendent of Police to establish a Dharna chowk
After alot of discussions, Sri.Srinivasa Sri naresh has allocated land for dharna chowk opposite to Collectorate.

Sri.A.v.Ranganath, S.P.has strengthened the traffic wing with the following initiatives:
 1.Constracution of traffic Sub Control rooms at Sri Sri , Yellandu cross road and NTR center with the help of private partn
2 . Estsblishment of Traffic control room (Command Control room) to control and moniter all trafic points in town area and also control the trafic men on duty and traffic patrolling vehicles
3.Traffic patrolling vehicles were increased.

Initiatives by M.L.A.

The then M.L.A Sri.Tummala nageshwar rao has initiated three major initiatives as follows :
1.Dhamsalapuram to Srinivasa nagar road was completed to act as Bypass road,which decreased the traffic flow in the Khammam city.
2.Prakashnagar Bridge was completed.
3.Bonakal road was proposed for widening.

Other attempts:
1.Wanted to establish prepaid auto syste.
2.Widen the roads.
3.Wanted to establish the new junctions.
4.New traffic lights were proposed.
5.New parking space was proposed near RailWay station.
6 . District Administration wanted to shift the Busstand to someother place.
7.Attempted to establish  new markets at various places.
8 . Establishment of traffic Sub Controls at some more places.
9.Manpacks to all traffic points including important officers of kMC officers
10.Decreasing of footpath in between Mayuri junction to Zp center .
11.Renovation of BT road from Zp center to bonakal road and extention of road was proposed and amount was sanctioned.

Tuesday, 14 October 2014

My dream Smart city

      Smart City is the most renowned term in the  urban administration in the recent past. 
Every smart city has to comply certain conditions. The components  and requirements of my dream smart city is as follows : 
1.Smart Governance
The staff working in Urban administration should be well aware of the better service delivery and equipped with knowledge and tools. The city should be Corruption free, 

Computerisation of all the citizens services ensures the above smart governance. 
Mee seva centres and Citizens services centres increases the levels of citizens services.
Voluntary Disclouser of staff names on the conspicuous places of every ward decentralises the responsibility and ensures the better service delivery with ease increasing the Responsibility among the lower level staff. Placing the same holistic information on Website does the same work among the elite class. 
Smart City should provide online services and Touch screen computers to know the services offered and way of getting services.

All the activities of the smart city should be available on the social media sites like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram,etc. Officers should receive the grievances even in What's app , telegram, etc.

2.Smart Inhabitant: The efforts of the Staff and officers are futile without the participation of the people. 

In my dreams people should contribute to the construction of  stadium and roads like people of kodad. People should participate in all the environmental protection activities like people of Suryapet. The leaders should be active like of Khammam. The people should be mould themselves to the good deeds of officers like of Mahabubnagar people.

People should coexist with other religions , castes and regions people. There shall be social justice to take care of all depressed sections of the society. The Differently abled people should get their share in all activities. The city should be slum free and all people of poor localities shall  get their share in the development. 

Officers should create Awareness in the people to participate ,contribute  and bring positive change. 
Attitudinal Change plays very vital role in bringing the people into the main stream of development of a city into smart city.
IEC activities are the need of the hour to achieve the desired results. Wherever the desired results are not possible with carrot, the stick policy of Levying penalties shall be considered for achieving the change. 

3.Smart mobility:

City buses or efficient public transport systems should be available in my dream city.
Prepaid auto system and pre paid car systems should be available to the people ,so as to have fearless and hassle free mobility.
Adequate  Parking spaces is available in all the Residential and and Commercial areas. No vehicle is parked on is no encroachment of road or pedestrian paths. 
Street vending zones are separately earmarked for hassle free mobility.
Footpaths are provided for pedestarians. Cycle tracks are provided on all important roads. The parellal roads are available to decrease the load on main roads. 
The roads should have Dividers to have hassle free and accident free mobility. Wherever required Solar signals are provided and all the Junctions must be  developed to act as natural signals and lung spaces.
Nobody should ever see any pothole on the road.

4.Smart Living:
All basic needs to be made available like 
Water 24*7
Street Lighting

To explain 100% House to House Garbage collection with 100% segregation shall be there . Scientific disposal shall be over 80%. The dry garbage to the tune of 100% shall be purchased by ULB or its appointed agency . Compost yard shall be made a resource park with all the recycling facilities.

Town should be provided with round the clock water supply with optimum cost.

The Street lighting shall be with Modern and energy efficient lighting, such as LED, OLED and with automation systems. Wherever necessary, solar , wind energies and other new & Renewable energies shall be used.

There shall be toilets for 100% houses.There shall be community toilet with Biodigester  for every 2 Km distance and eco toilet for every 1 km distance.

The roads should have the optimum width and with Under Ground drainage facility. Wherever required, storm water drainage network should be available.

There shall be adequate health fecilities in Government and private sector. Alternate medicines fecilities should be available. The town should be mosquitoes free. Pigs and monkeys  shall not dwell in town. The Human Development Index of town is as good as European countries.

5.Smart Environment

Parks and lung spaces  should be to 10% of the total area.
Avenue plantation and households plantation shall be 3 plants per each person in the Urban agglomeration. There should be kitchen garden and herbal park in each house. Usufruct plants shall exist even on the roads, beside canals and on hills.
The 80% of energy used by the city should be generated out of new and Renewable energy. The city should be 
Energy Efficienct installing LED Lights, solar panels and solar water heaters, cookers , etc.

Lake conservation of all the lakes should be done with beautification around it.Conveyance facilities should be considered. 
 Decentralised waste water treatment facilities shall be established in all the apartments, big houses, commercial establishments and Industries, so as to reuse it. The sewerage water shall be treated and reused.

There should be a big park over 50 Acres with amusement facilities and children equipment. There shall be one big stadium over 100 Acres with all sports and games facilities. 

6.Smart Economy:
The economy should attract all the sorrounding area people by providing goods at low cost .It should  provide the decentralised and integrated marketing facilities to the people and farmers.Residential, Commercial and industrial areas shall be separatly earmarked.
The food needs should be catered to an extent of 75% out of city and surrounding areas. 
Poor people with micro enterprenuers and online purchases shall coexist. 
Credit should be available on low intrest . Service sector income should be moŕe than secondary and tertiary sector income together. 

Revenue Improvement measures in stamp duty.

In 2001 I have joined as the municipal commissioner, Bhainsa. At that time the Revenue coming out of the staamp duty was only 0.98 Lakhs.In any way it was much less than expected. I started knowing about way of increasing the stamp duty. At later stages, in the municipalities of Nirmal, Suryapet and Khammam, I have contributed much for the increased Revenue from the stamp duty.

Situation before initiative in Bhainsa:
1.All the house numbers of the town was not included in Urban Basic Register.
2.The values of lands of slum areas were more than  posh localities.
3.There were no rationality in adopting the land values.
4.Number of Registrations were less due to high values of lands and leased lands.
5.Some land values in the posh localities was less.
6 . Agriculture land values were also less.

Situation before initiative in Nirmal:
1.All the house numbers were not included in the Urban Basic Register.
2. The value of the land on the two sides of a road is not similar.
3. The lands converted into the plots, but same was not included in the UBR.
4.The values of the Agriculture lands were less.

 Situation before initiative in Suryapet:
1.All the house numbers were not included in the UBR.
2 . The lands converted into the plots were not included in the UBR.
Situation before initiative in Khammam:
1.The land values were hiked without rationality. There was a resentment from people. Government ordered for anomalies.

In order to set right the things related to the Registration values, I had to represent the district officers for one and half hears repeatedly.Fortunately,Sri. Mukhteshwar Rao has assumed charge of joint Collector and act as chairman of the Land values committee.As usual I represented the fact to him.There was presence of an active District Registrar and Assistant District Registrar. They assured me to set the things in the right direction. They intimated the subregistrar to co-operate.
Consequently, I was handed overed a soft copy of the proformae. At that time, work was comparitively less. I was able to sit on the same work for 7 days, duly doing other works.It gave a immense pleasure, when I completed the work.It also made me efficient to increase the Revenue of the ULB.Also, once I have also taken a orientation class to all the municipal commissioners of the warangal region.

In the Nirmal, the subregistrar was an experienced person.He was after me to implement the market value reforms. In this place I was little busy.He has taken the interest with the help of my experience.

Initiatives are as follows :
1.The land values of the slum areas were not increased.
2.All the houses numbers were included in the UBR and right values were adopted for them.
3.The Land values for agricultural lands were increased as per market value.
4.The land values of the  newly made plots were included as fit for house sites.


1.All the new numbers were included in the UBR.
2.All the commercial house numbers were identified and included in the UBR.
3.All the lands values on the same road was equalised.
4.All the lands converted into the plots were identified and adopted the minimum fit for house site value.
5.Land values of the Agriculture lands were increased offerdably.

All the above initiatives were implemented in suryapet.


The abnormally increased values were decreased.The subregistrars was worrying to decrease the values.But I have taken initiative to decrease basing on the realistic values.

1.The stamp duty was increased from 0.98 lakhs in 2001 to 7.50 lakhs per quarter in 2005.
2.The number of Registrations were increased, especially of poor.
3.Streamlined the total registration system and illegal mutations were stopped. The problem of purchase of house on a unregistered deed and forcing municipal officials to mutation is stopped . Actually, people also suffer in this procedure.
1.The stamp duty per quarter was doubled.

1.The stamp duty was substantially increased.

1.The resentment in the people have decreased.
2.The stamp duty started increased slowly.
3.The stalemate conditions of Land purchases has come to an end.

Swatch Bharathpledge for municipal commissioners

I ,Municipal Commissioner pledge to arrange vehicles to collect the waste at the door step of every household in my municipality. I also strive to collect the dry waste and wet waste seperately and generate wealth out of waste to my municipality. Thus, I will protect the environment and Resouces of India. I also create awareness among people and staff and request  them to create awareness among their peer groups. 

Swacha Bharath pledge for people

I being the responsible person of India will not throw the garbage recklessly and  segregate all  the waste generated in my house/establishment into Dry waste and Wet Waste and handit over to the Municipal vehicle or sell it to convert it into wealth and protect the environment and Resouces of India.I will also spread this message among my known persons. 

Dry Waste Purchase Programme in Khammam

Background: In Khammam city, Door to Door Garbage collection was a comparitively new concept. Government was insisted to implement the special sanitation programme of 100 days.Also, there was compulsion of implementation of Solid Waste Management Rules-2000 by collecting the waste at door step by segregating into dry and wet waste.

1.Concil Resolution was taken to allocate vehicles for purchasing of dry waste and rates fixed for this purpose. Sri.Siddhartha Jain critically analyzed for 15 minutes saying that this is a good thought and programme and I am analysing because you should not fail, said to Srinivas, Municipal Commissioner, Khammam.
The rates fixed at 3 levels were as follows :
Stage1.1 rupee would be paid to household,
Stage2.2 rupees would be paid to collecting SHG.
Stage3.3 Rupees or more would be maked out by the Khammam municipal Corporation.
Stage4.6 Rupees or more would be maked out by the bulk garbage sellers, duly segregated the dry waste into different components.

2.First, staff meeting was conducted and explained the advantages of the programme.The targets were fixed for the Community Organisers to conduct meetings and implement the Model in their areas.

3.Large scale awareness meetings were conducted in about 30 Localities, where municipal commissioner, Khammam directly interacted with the poor women.
4 . During the meeting some of the positive comments are received from the poor women as follows : is a good idea.
b.It would have implemented earlier.
c.It brings money to poor people.
d.earlier municipality demanded money to receive garbage. Now municipality will give money on reciept of garbage. of people would be improved.

More or less,they were able to enlist the advantages of the system going to be implemented. Earlier, there were sporadic purchase schemes in different ULBs by different organisations. But, it was ULB driven purchase programme of dry waste.

After conducting the awareness programmes such as meetings of poor people, announcements and publishing of pamphlets, the programme was started in the Bokkalagadda slum area abutting the Munneru river

On one Friday, the programme of the dry waste purchase was started. It was a superstition that waste should not be handedover on that day.I convinced that it is a "Dry Wealth" rather than a dry waste.It brings the Goddess Lakshmi in the form of money.Also, it was verymuch strategically publicised that Government is offering Rupees One per kilogram rice . Khammam municipal Corporation is giving One rupee on receipt of dry waste.People was able to convince on the explanation.
All the SHG Women members participated in the programme till it was stabilised.One elder person by name Sheshamma was taken a lot of interest .Also ex C.D.S president also co-operated.The initiative of Smt.Uma , Community Organiser was amazing.

Municipal Corporation has arranged the spring balance to weigh 5Kg of dry wealth.The Rikshaw and tractors were also arranged for collection of Dry Wealth. The commitment of people was amazing. They segregated the waste.They did not mixed the dry and wet waste.It was also arranged to give the amount then and there to household after weiging the Dry Wealth.
Slowly, it spread to other localities.Officers from other districts were also observed the initiative.

Reasons for failure:
The old materials purchasers did not come forward to purchase the dry wealth with a malafide intention that they loose their hegemony in purchasing of dry waste.
2.Also ,money rotation was not proper, as the wealth collected was wetted due to rain and lack of proper protection in compost yard. SHG has to wait for their payment.
3.Staff was not cooperative for further segregation of dry wealth.
4 . There were only one sanitary Inspector, where 7 has to work.

Advantages :
1.Till the initiative continued , the visiting officers did not find a single piece of paper in the locality and its drains.
2.The once worst slum of Bokkalagadda had become clean and mosquito free.
3.People and SHGs were able to generate wealth out of waste.
4 . Environment was protected.
5 . Earlier there use to be demand for money to clean the localities.In this initiative, there was insentive for people for keeping it clean.
6.Less number of staff are required in this initiative.
7.public was fully involved in the initiative.