Tuesday, 14 October 2014

My dream Smart city

      Smart City is the most renowned term in the  urban administration in the recent past. 
Every smart city has to comply certain conditions. The components  and requirements of my dream smart city is as follows : 
1.Smart Governance
The staff working in Urban administration should be well aware of the better service delivery and equipped with knowledge and tools. The city should be Corruption free, 

Computerisation of all the citizens services ensures the above smart governance. 
Mee seva centres and Citizens services centres increases the levels of citizens services.
Voluntary Disclouser of staff names on the conspicuous places of every ward decentralises the responsibility and ensures the better service delivery with ease increasing the Responsibility among the lower level staff. Placing the same holistic information on Website does the same work among the elite class. 
Smart City should provide online services and Touch screen computers to know the services offered and way of getting services.

All the activities of the smart city should be available on the social media sites like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram,etc. Officers should receive the grievances even in What's app , telegram, etc.

2.Smart Inhabitant: The efforts of the Staff and officers are futile without the participation of the people. 

In my dreams people should contribute to the construction of  stadium and roads like people of kodad. People should participate in all the environmental protection activities like people of Suryapet. The leaders should be active like of Khammam. The people should be mould themselves to the good deeds of officers like of Mahabubnagar people.

People should coexist with other religions , castes and regions people. There shall be social justice to take care of all depressed sections of the society. The Differently abled people should get their share in all activities. The city should be slum free and all people of poor localities shall  get their share in the development. 

Officers should create Awareness in the people to participate ,contribute  and bring positive change. 
Attitudinal Change plays very vital role in bringing the people into the main stream of development of a city into smart city.
IEC activities are the need of the hour to achieve the desired results. Wherever the desired results are not possible with carrot, the stick policy of Levying penalties shall be considered for achieving the change. 

3.Smart mobility:

City buses or efficient public transport systems should be available in my dream city.
Prepaid auto system and pre paid car systems should be available to the people ,so as to have fearless and hassle free mobility.
Adequate  Parking spaces is available in all the Residential and and Commercial areas. No vehicle is parked on road..here is no encroachment of road or pedestrian paths. 
Street vending zones are separately earmarked for hassle free mobility.
Footpaths are provided for pedestarians. Cycle tracks are provided on all important roads. The parellal roads are available to decrease the load on main roads. 
The roads should have Dividers to have hassle free and accident free mobility. Wherever required Solar signals are provided and all the Junctions must be  developed to act as natural signals and lung spaces.
Nobody should ever see any pothole on the road.

4.Smart Living:
All basic needs to be made available like 
Water 24*7
Street Lighting

To explain 100% House to House Garbage collection with 100% segregation shall be there . Scientific disposal shall be over 80%. The dry garbage to the tune of 100% shall be purchased by ULB or its appointed agency . Compost yard shall be made a resource park with all the recycling facilities.

Town should be provided with round the clock water supply with optimum cost.

The Street lighting shall be with Modern and energy efficient lighting, such as LED, OLED and with automation systems. Wherever necessary, solar , wind energies and other new & Renewable energies shall be used.

There shall be toilets for 100% houses.There shall be community toilet with Biodigester  for every 2 Km distance and eco toilet for every 1 km distance.

The roads should have the optimum width and with Under Ground drainage facility. Wherever required, storm water drainage network should be available.

There shall be adequate health fecilities in Government and private sector. Alternate medicines fecilities should be available. The town should be mosquitoes free. Pigs and monkeys  shall not dwell in town. The Human Development Index of town is as good as European countries.

5.Smart Environment

Parks and lung spaces  should be to 10% of the total area.
Avenue plantation and households plantation shall be 3 plants per each person in the Urban agglomeration. There should be kitchen garden and herbal park in each house. Usufruct plants shall exist even on the roads, beside canals and on hills.
The 80% of energy used by the city should be generated out of new and Renewable energy. The city should be 
Energy Efficienct installing LED Lights, solar panels and solar water heaters, cookers , etc.

Lake conservation of all the lakes should be done with beautification around it.Conveyance facilities should be considered. 
 Decentralised waste water treatment facilities shall be established in all the apartments, big houses, commercial establishments and Industries, so as to reuse it. The sewerage water shall be treated and reused.

There should be a big park over 50 Acres with amusement facilities and children equipment. There shall be one big stadium over 100 Acres with all sports and games facilities. 

6.Smart Economy:
The economy should attract all the sorrounding area people by providing goods at low cost .It should  provide the decentralised and integrated marketing facilities to the people and farmers.Residential, Commercial and industrial areas shall be separatly earmarked.
The food needs should be catered to an extent of 75% out of city and surrounding areas. 
Poor people with micro enterprenuers and online purchases shall coexist. 
Credit should be available on low intrest . Service sector income should be moŕe than secondary and tertiary sector income together. 

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