Sunday, 26 October 2014

Energy saving initiatives in khammam city

Various initiatives in energy saving has been initiated in the Khammam Municipal corporation.They include the non cost incurring,self financed and partially financed by the central Government.

Project assisted by GoI:
The Government of India have introduced a scheme for energy conservation through New & Renewable Energy Developments Corporation. Under this project cost to be sanctioned 50:50 on sharing base like providing of solar energy systems, LED lighting system and energy saving ballasts to suitable chowks to achieve the energy conservation to municipalities and municipal corporations etc.,
Earlier as a pilot project an amount of Rs.8.00 lakhs was sanctioned under 50:50 i.e, 4.00 lakhs by the Municipal Corporation and 4.00 lakhs by the NREDC, Hyderabad provided 200 Numbers of suitable Energy saving electronic ballast to existing 250/150 Watts bulbs in various places in the town. Due to this approximately 20-25% energy consumption is saved on that fittings. 

Further,  under the same scheme,an amount of Rs. 49.87 lakhs were sanctioned under 50:50 sharing i.e., 24.93 lakhs by the Municipal Corporation & 24.93 lakhs by the NREDC, Hyderabad for providing 4700 nos T12 FTLs energy saving electronic ballasts & 43Nos 5KV GPRS automation system (Automatic switch on/off, energy tracking and electronic ballasts were fixed for same lights for energy efficiency) in various places in the town. Due to this approximately 35 to 40% energy has been saved on the same fittings. 


 The Khammam Municipal is upgraded as a Municipal Corporation merged with (9) panchayats vide its G.O Ms.No 399, Dt:19.10.2012, the area of the town is 93.45 Sq.Kms, as per 2011 census, the population of the Khammam town is 3,0,5,000. the Khammam town is sistuated at 79047'00" E longitude to 16045'00" N Latitude. In this town there are (50) election divisions and 71 slums, out of which there is (23) notified slums and (49) Non-notified slums.


 The following street lights are being maintained by this office:
1) 36W tube lights : 10050 Nos
2) 70W tube lights : 650 Nos
3) 150W SV lamps : 2150 Nos
4) 250W SV lamps : 2550 Nos
Also is being maintained Highmast lights are about (21) Nos in this town.
At present this Corporation is being paid monthly consumption charges about               Rs. 35-40 lakhs. Khammam Municipal Corporation has started energy saving from street lights in the town. For this more number of persons deployed for switch OFF the lights. Staff has shown great discipline by starting switching off at 5.30am. In the summer it is little earlier.

Alternate lighting system during the night 11 O'clock, the lights of high illumination and illuminated at the monthly to save energy and after providing energy electronic chowks 200 Nos total approximately every month an amount of Rs. 80,000 - 1,00,000 lakh per month. Recently erected the electronic chowks & GPRS automation system at various places and worked out 2 days readings compare to last month readings in certain service no.s approximately 30 to 40% energy saved.

Now in the office building have to be convert into solar lighting system as well as in the existing 14 Nos of parks have to be provided the solar lights . These two are yet to be taken up by the NRED, Khammam.

Now simultaneously in the town have to be provide 36W energy electronic chowks to existing 36W tube lights due to this energy consumption is saved.


 Now in the town, it is to be proposed 1500 Nos 250 W  S.V lamps & 1500 No.s 150W  lamps to provide 250W  & 150W energy electronic chowks in I Town, II Town, III Town areas.

Physical Consumption as follows:
i) 250 Watts  :    1500 x 250 x 11 hours/day
    = 41,25,000 Watts
    = 4125 KW/day
ii) 150 watts  :    1500 x 150 x 11 hours / day
    = 24,75,000 Watts
    = 2475 KW/day
  Total  = 6600 KW/day
After providing energy electronic chowks
 Energy consumption  = 25%
  i.e.,  = 6600 x 25%  = 1650.00 Watts
  Net Qty = 6600 - 1650.00 = 4950.00 KW/day.

= 6600 KW / day  x 5.40
    =  35,640.00 /Day
    = 10,69,200 / month

After providing of electronic chowks
   = 4950.00 x 5.40
   = 26,730.00 / day
   = 8,01,900 / month
Saving = 10,69,200 - 8,01,900
  = 2,67,300/ month
The Energy electronic chowk period is 8 years
 i.e.,  2,67,300 x 96 = 2,56,60,800
The        of energy electronic chowk for 3000     =   1,12,50,000
For Eight years period =         2,56,60,800
     1,44,10,800  Saving

 Actual 50% subsidy by Government of India
    = 144.10 + 56.25 = 200.35lakhs per 8 years
 i.e, month = 200.35/96 =   2.09 lakhs per month.
Average loss of chowks for 8 years = 4
Cost of chowk    = Rs. 4000.00
Total Cost on replacement of chowks in 8 years =4 x 650 x 3000 = 78.00 lakhs
Avewrage energy saving with automation = 10%
      = 1500 x 11 x250 x 1/10 x 5.40
      = 2227 per day
Total period saving    = 2227 x 84 x 365 days
      = 682.80 lakhs

1." To reduce the cost of maintenance materials "
2." To reduce the power consumption charges "
3." To increase the life of 36W tube light
4.Percapita swtch on/off would be decreased.
5 . valuable energy conseved and it conserves environment.

        Similarly, other Initiatives were also taken up as follows :
1 . earlier , the number of swith on/off persons were increased to achieve sunsynchronisation.

2.Amount was paid to NPDCL  for installing third stops the continous glowing of lights in the newly merged areas.The saving would be 50% in that area.
3.All the meters were checked regularly. Non functional meters were replaced.
4.The CMD was corrected, duly paying the required amount.
5.The energy bills were paid promptly and avoided penalties.
6. MCBs were purchased for effective switch on/off.It increases the speed of switch on / off, while ensuring the safety of staff.
7 . Alternative lighting was arranged for central lighting after night 11 p.m.Saving was 30% of glowing of that particular area.
8.The High mast lights were switch off after 11 p.m. Saving was 50% of that lights used.
9.Solar standby lights were arranged in the important junctions, to avoid inconvenience to people and to save some amout of power.
10.Some lights of higher wattage was removed and standardised with optimum wattage lights.

Similarly, in water supply , following initiatives were taken up:
1.Capacitors were installed to all the motors of water supply and saved more than 30% of energy.
2.Old motors were replaced with new motrs.
3.old and leaking volves were replaced with new saved water and energy.
4.CMD was corrected.

Other initiatives are as follows :
1.Amount was paid to NREDCCAP for making the office solar .

2.Amount was paid to NREDCAP for installation of solar lights in parks.

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