Advantages of Ayurveda treatment

Ayurvedic treatment strengthens the defensive mechanism of the body, there by increasing the immunity power of the body.In allopathy system, it directly kills the parasites. In that process, the medicine causes danger to other organisms of the body.It requisitions use of more number of medicines, in some instances.

2.Allopathy treatment is also part and parcel of the ayurveda. It is known as Rasayana kriya in Ayurveda. Rasayana kriya is used as a last resort, when metabolism is not responding to other therapies. Allopathy or Rasayana kriya increases the immunity power of the parasite, there by increasing of dosage of medicines on every affected occasion. use of chemicals/medicines degenerates body.

3.Allopathy medicines have the side effects. Ayurvedic medicines cures multiple  ailments  of the metabolism.

4. Ayurvedic medicine causes multiple advantages, when administered.Food, plant parts are used as Ayurveda medicine.

5.Ayurveda concentrates on the body, mind and spirit.It treats the patient holistically, duly removing the imbalances in Vatha, Pitha and Kapha.Where as , allopathy  concentrates on the ailment alone or have separate systems for treatment of body and mind.It has no or low role for spirituality.

6 . Ayurveda is a way of life.  Ultimate aim of  Ayurveda is achieving the Dharma, Artha, Kama and Moksha.Allopathy don't have such aims other than treating the ailments.

7.Production of allopathy medicines cause harm to environment. Production of Ayurveda medicines protect the environment, as people will grow more number of plants. 

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