Online Birth and death certificate issuing initiative

Khammam municipal Corporation has won the  Best Services Award from IT Department of the earstwhile A.P.state for issuing the highest number of online certificates.

I would like to share the pre - activities of the initiatives as follows :

Initially ,2,50,000 birth registrations were computerised duly outsourcing the activity.The activity of issuing the online certificates were highly publicised.In the month of January 2013, issuing of the certificates was launched by the then district collector sri.Siddhartha Jain.

On an average, 80 applications were automatically received in online.In the initial days of the initiative,  there were many technical problems. Sri.Srinivas, DIO ,National Information Centre has sorted out many problems personally.It paved way for the
success of the initiative.

Consequently, staff could not cope up with the work pressure. In this regard, a meeting was convened by the  Municipal commissioner Sri.B Srinivas.It was observed that adequate computers are not available, searching for the birth records have become a problem and birth records has to be received by office from the hospitals in time.
The rectification actions had been initiated by purchasing 5 new computers exclusively for B&D section, new rack were purchased to upkeep the records year wise, additional staff was provided to search the records and online issue of certificates. Notices were issued to hospitals for prompt response in submission of birth and death returns.

All the above initiatives has increased the speed of disposal of birth and death applications .It led to more number of applications received in online from other places of the district and other districts too.The responsibility of the section was borne by Sri . Lingaiah, A.S.O.He fulfilled his responsibility to the cent percent. In absence of him, it wouldn't have been easy of discharging the initiative.Other outsourcing staff Babu and Latha also co-operated for the initiative.

Consequently, it led to highest number of online certificates issuing status to the khammam municipal corporation and winning the prestigious  award of Best services to Mee-Seva award on the eve of  completion of 2 crore transactions.

The story does not end here. Later, initiative is taken up to enroll the names of the children, whose birth was registered, as per the instructions and facility given by the Government. Also, it attracted  the concentration of the highet ups including C&DMA Sri.Janardhan Reddy. He had chosen Khammam municipal Corporation for online submission of returns by hospital on pilot basis.More than 2 awareness meetings were held with doctors and hospital staff . Unfortunately, the initiative was not materialised despite of many efforts.

However, the advantages of the not materialised initiative is that issuing the birth certificates with in 3 days of the birth.In other words, issuing the Birth Certificates at the time of discharging of mother and new born child .It can create employment to some computer operators. Issuing certificates would be easier, transperant.The level of citizens services would be increased there by saving fuel of the people and environment.It also saves alot of paper and leading to saving of environment.

The photo showing the  award receiving for Best services to Mee-Seva on completion of  2 crore transactions jointly with Siddharth Jain,IAS,the then special Officer,Khammam Municipal Corporation from  Sri.Ponnala Laxmaiah,the then Hon'ble Minister for IT.

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